Support our 

Every ministry and funding decision is prayerfully made as we courageously join with Jesus to restore and transform one another and our world.

End-Of-Year Giving

We welcome your donation anytime, but if you'd like it to be part of your year end tax deductions, a friendly reminder that Dec 31 is the due date. If mailing your gift, it needs to be postmarked no later than Dec 31st. If giving online or if making stock donations, the transaction statement needs to reflect Dec 31st (at the latest) as the transaction date. Mahalo!

Stock Donations

If the Lord is leading you to give a stock donation to the church, you can use our fillable form by clicking the button below. Please send the completed form directly to your broker and a copy to the church office (45-550 Kionaole Rd. Kaneohe, HI 96744) or email

Planned Giving

Did you know there are creative ways to support First Presbyterian Church of Honolulu? Ways in which the church, you and your loved ones all benefit at the same time? Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts", because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and the church.


  • Recurring gifts provide stability for nonprofits, ensuring predictable funding that empowers them to plan and execute long-term initiatives, sustain ongoing programs, and effectively respond to changing needs without interruption.

  • Jesus teaches that giving to the church is an essential aspect of discipleship, reflecting our love for God and our commitment to His purposes on earth.

  • In Mark 12:41-44, Jesus praises the sacrificial giving of a poor widow, illustrating that it's not the amount of the gift but the heart behind it that matters most to God.

  • Should you be unable to or need assistance with accessing giving statements, please call the office at (808) 532-1111 or email