As the first Presbyterian church established in Hawaii, we carry forward a rich legacy.

In 1957, after careful planning by the Presbytery of Los Angeles, the Keʻeaumoku Street property was chosen as the site for this historic church. Our journey began with worship services held at the Richards Street Y.W.C.A. In 1961, we moved into our new home on Keʻeaumoku Street, and over the years, additional facilities were built to serve not just our congregation but the broader community as well.

In 2006, our church ‘ohana courageously acted on God’s leading to relocate our church building to Koʻolau, and care for the the existing facilities and 246 acres of land, repurposing it from a golf club and golf course to a sanctuary and place of Christ-centered transformation and restoration.

Today, we look to the future with faith and optimism, eager to build on the strong foundation laid by those who came before us. Our current location in Kaneohe offers us incredible opportunities for growth and service. We’ve inherited so much from previous generations, and now it’s our turn to empower the journey of joining Jesus to restore and transform one another and our world.

Our church is structured around our commitment to collaborative leadership, where our church ‘ohana (family) is empowered and supported to carry out our mission, vision, and values.

  • Our ELDERS, both men and women, govern and provide spiritual oversight, ensuring we stay true to our mission and vision.

  • Our STAFF empowers and supports the congregation by facilitating worship services, coordinating broad ministries, and managing day-to-day operations.

  • Our DEACONS focus on compassionate care, serving those in need within our church family and the broader community.

  • Together, our entire CHURCH FAMILY (congregation) shares the gospel throughout the week, bringing our mission, vision, and values into their communities as followers of Jesus.

Our Vision

By 2030… As a Christ-centered, diverse, and intergenerational community, FPC Hawaii will be and see…

  1. A HUB OF HEALING for broken hearts, spirits, minds, and bodies, confirmed by hundreds of testimonies. 

  2. Everyone in our church ‘ohana learning from and INVESTING IN NEW GENERATIONS, taking new steps with Jesus together. 

  3. Everyone in our church ʻohana SERVING our LOCAL COMMUNITIES and BEYOND



Tim Fearer
Transitional Pastor

Tim Shaw
Associate Pastor

Christopher Pan
Executive Pastor

Karen Makishima
Director of Ohana Ministry

Kelli Wong
Director of Administration

Chevas Wong
Creative Director


Evan Arashiro
Production & Technology Coordinator

Debbie Carreira Johnson

Karley Kimitsuka
Finance Administrator

Kathy Makuakane

Office Manager & Executive Asst. to the Senior Pastor

Christian Schroppel
High School Director

Eunice Sim
Assistant Director of Worship

Marianna Meachen
Chaplain & Director of Care Ministries

Rosella Shishido
Communications Coordinator

Jenny Sung
Campus Pastor to The Vine

Carol Nakamoto
Administrative Assistant

Luke Shin
Middle School Coordinator

Gary Toh
Director of Prayer

Learn more about our Deacons…

Deacons are ordained covenant partners (members) of First Prez, elected by the congregation to a ministry of caring for those in need in our church ‘ohana.

Learn more about the services provided by our Deacons at the link below: