When Is It My Turn?

By Leslie Paez, Office Manager

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:8-9)

Have you ever felt like everyone around you is celebrating something huge in their lives except you? Maybe it’s a promotion, a wedding engagement, a new home, or even a miracle! And as happy as you are for your friends and family, perhaps you sit there and wonder if that something you’ve been hoping for will ever happen to you. 

Maybe there is something that God has promised you, or a blessing that you pray about daily. As time goes by, you see others receive that exact blessing or promise, and you then start to wonder, “When is it my turn,” or “Why hasn’t God completed His promise to me?”

I’ve recently felt the same way about a promise that God made me, and in my human nature, I laid in bed one night thinking and complaining to God why he forgot about me. Why does it feel like everyone else gets their promises but I don’t? And after a few minutes of my pity party, I was reminded of 2 Peter 3:8-9, which tells me God’s timing isn’t my timing, that perhaps my promise not being complete now is its own blessing. 

What I think I want in this exact moment is probably the worst possible moment for it to happen, and that I should trust God and His timing of things. I was reminded that he hasn’t forgotten about me or His promise to me. He’s just shaping me into a better version of myself so that when His promise is complete, I’ll be even more ready for it. Even though it feels like an eternity until I receive my promise, it’ll be worth the wait in the end because God won’t be late, or early.

He is always on time.

Prayer: Dear God, I want to thank You for never forgetting us in the midst of everything; for being truthful to Your words and promises to us; for loving us and reminding us daily that Your plans and purposes for each of our lives are greater than we can imagine. I pray that in those moments of “when is it my turn,” we can be reminded of how You always come through at the perfect time. Amen.

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