In The Master’s Hands

By Frank Lim, Deacon

“But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, You are the potter; we are the work of Your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

There was a time when I was an avid bonsai enthusiast, and I often saw similarities between this delicate Japanese art form and the raising of children. In deference to Pastor Dan, it was actually the Chinese who originated the art of growing miniature trees in a pot (called penjing). Lately I have extended this analogy to God molding us to be what and where He wants to be.

When a bonsaist fancies a young or old tree, he or she sees the potential for beauty. When God created us, He made us in His image with all the potential to be like His Son, Jesus. Bonsai requires an inordinate amount of time and patience. The trees need constant nurturing and care. They require frequent re-potting, when roots have to be trimmed in order for them to thrive in small pots and containers. Frequent pruning of branches and leaves, shaping, fertilization, pest control, and watering are necessary for the right balance of the whole tree and its relationship to the pot.

Training a tree is a delicate matter. It requires the use of wires and pruning. Branches are bent, gently and firmly, to achieve the desired direction and different angles. There are times when drastic measures are necessary, as in the aggressive pruning of large and unsightly branches, which might take away from the desired shape and form of a tree. Younger trees, with their pliability, are easier to train. However, even older trees, in spite of harder wood and established form, can be reshaped into masterpieces.

Like the bonsai enthusiast, God cares for each one of us, both young and old, with His infinite love and patience. He nurtures and feeds us. He leads us to living water. He prunes us, sometimes drastically, to remove the destructive patterns from our lives, sometimes through trials and tragedies. He also prunes us to bear fruit. He disciplines us. Yet, He is ever so gentle and patient with us, as He molds and shapes us to what and where He wants us to be. He provides direction and bends us, just like the bonsai artist does with the branches. He is the Potter, we are the clay. He is the Bonsai Master, and we are His trees, created to be His masterpiece. 

“For we are God’s masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we may walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:10)

Prayer: Heavenly Father, fill us with a willing spirit to be changed by You. We ask for Your direction in our lives. Shape and mold us to be people after Your own heart, so that we serve You, Your people, and Your creation, all for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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