Filling Up The Well

By Julie Lockyer, Administrative Assistant

Have you ever felt that your spiritual life has dried up? Maybe you feel distant from God and you just don’t seem to have the time to spend reading the Bible?

I am in that place right now. You would think that there would be more time during a pandemic to dive into God’s Word and be filled with His living water. 

I used to wake up and go straight to my Bible-reading and devotions. That hasn’t been happening lately. I wake up, make my coffee, and jump on my computer to do work. There are times when I sit to read my daily devotions, but I get easily distracted. My mind starts to wander. And all of a sudden it’s time to get ready for work. Sometimes I try to listen to a message on my car radio, but I get distracted by traffic and crazy drivers.

Then when I get home from work, I need to get dinner made and then do the dishes. By the time I get everything done, I’m exhausted. I plop down on the couch and watch TV or grab my iPad and play games to help me wind down.

We all go through challenges at work, at home, with family members, and even friends. Sometimes these challenges can be very draining. The well gets drier and drier. 

The wonderful thing is God is still here! It amazes me how even though I’m not always faithful to Him, God still shows up for me daily. He never leaves me. I want to have God in my life more. I want to feel His presence in a deeper way.

Sometimes we go through an extend drought and, like a well that isn’t getting filled, our spiritual life starts to dry up. I’m not feeding my soul the way I should. I need to dig deeper to fill up with God’s Living Water. Yes, it takes work but it is so worth it! 

The Lord will guide you continually,
And satisfy your soul in drought,
And strengthen your bones;
You shall be like a watered garden,
And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail. (Isaiah 58:11)

If you are like me, let me encourage you to make time for more of God. We need to put things that aren’t important on the sidelines, or rearrange our schedule and pick up the Bible, read devotions, listen to worship music, or whatever draws you closer to Him. He is waiting for you!

Prayer: Lord, I thank You for always being there for me even in times of drought. You are a faithful God who loves me and wants me to draw closer to You. Thank You that Your mercies are new every day and that I can come to You to fill my soul with Your living water. As You fill me Lord, help me to pour out your love to others. Amen.

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