Stuck Behind Cats

by Jenny Sung, Executive Coordinator

Picking up my kids from school is one of my favorite parts of the day. The wait at the auto line is long, but I often have a good exchange of texts with my boys while I’m stuck behind cars. My texts are often auto-corrected and for some reason, whenever I tell them I’m stuck behind “cars,” my phone auto-corrects it to “cats.”

Mitchell: “???”

Grant: “Stuck behind cats???”

Mitchell: “Mom? Where are you?”

Me: “Stuck behind cats”

Me: “I mean cats” .... “no, cats” “darn it … cats”

If you find this stream of communication funny at all, then you share my sense of humor. The point of this story is that we all get stuck sometimes, and in the midst of feeling stuck, we can get frustrated when things don’t spell out the way we want. We thought life would be different now, but we feel stuck. We thought we were moving toward a goal, but the end looks nowhere in sight. We thought good things would happen, but each day is a struggle. We thought …. (sigh)

There are many examples in the Bible of people who struggled, felt stuck, and cried out to God in the midst of suffering and doubt. Joseph who was stuck in a dungeon for years; Daniel stripped of his home and stuck in a foreign land called Babylon; Jonah in the belly of a whale; the woman stuck with a blood condition for 12 years––deemed unclean by society and isolated.

Where is God in the midst of this? Is God with us?

YES. ABSOLUTELY. Jesus told us in this world of the in-between (between His resurrection and His return) we will have struggle (John 16:33). But take heart because He has overcome the world. We may feel stuck right now, but that is never the end of the story. We can trust in a loving God who cares for us and has our best in mind. Not only that, but He is with us in the midst of every situation.

He tells us “So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I will strengthen you and help you.” (Isaiah 41;10). He tells us, “Come to Me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Psalm 91:4 says, “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”

God is molding us into His image in the process. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

We can have confidence in our loving Heavenly Father and cast our concerns and cares onto Him because He uses every circumstance and situation. He is always moving and working in ways we may not understand in that moment. We can pray for God’s will in our lives and others because of His incredible sacrifice and love for us. Let us trust in Him, even when we’re “stuck behind cats” or any other place in life.

Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You that we can trust in Your goodness and faithfulness, even when we feel stuck, frustrated, or confused about our situation. Help us to surrender and pray for Your will in all circumstances. Mold us into Your image, and lead us by the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

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