Speak, Lord ... I’m Listening

By Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant

Then the LORD came and stood, and called as at the other times: “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.” (1 Samuel 3:10)

On a visit to the mainland, my sister and I were driving down a stretch of freeway in SoCal called “The Grapevine”. We suddenly had a flat tire, and this is not the place you want to experience one! With cars barreling down that freeway, we pulled over and got out of the car to investigate. (I don’t know why. It’s not like either of us could fix it even though our dad had showed us how!)

Just then a car pulled behind ours, and the driver asked if he could help. We both said, “Sure!” and thanked him for stopping. He went to open the trunk to get the jack and spare tire out, glanced at the rear tire and said, “Oh, you already jacked your car up.” We replied, “Oh no. We didn’t!” 

“Well, somehow your car is already raised up on the flat tire side!” What??!! No way! After staring at it and checking if it was sturdy, he proceeded to change the tire with no jack! My sister got in the car with it still raised on the right side, carefully drove forward, and the car gently lowered to the ground. We, and the guy, had our mouths wide open. We just could not believe it! (When we stopped to get a new tire, we asked the employee if there was such a feature on this fairly new car. He replied, “Definitely not!”)

We thanked the man profusely and gave him some money for his trouble. But no money could buy what we witnessed and knew was from the Lord. Perhaps He had sent an angel to hold the car up and another to fix the tire?! He met our need in that memorable moment of time.

Sometimes the messages the Lord sends us are obvious and sometimes they aren't. But I believe if we keep our eyes open, even to the little things, the Lord is speaking to us. It may be to encourage our hearts, or to minister to another’s. 

I have found this so true in this time of the loss of my husband. The Lord has sent me beautiful rainbows and heart-shaped clouds, sweet memories of Francis, scripture verses at just the right time, songs in the night, loving notes from family and friends, and immense comfort from His Word. 

But the key to having these things bless us is having an open heart to receive them. And guess what? He is speaking to you even now…in this moment. Listen. Can you hear Him?

Prayer: Lord, I ask that You would give us hearts to hear Your still small voice in the midst of the noise, and then act upon what You’ve spoken. Maybe it’s just for us. Or perhaps it is to help encourage another person in need. May we be conduits of Your great love as we share it with a hurting world. In the matchless Name of the One whose Love has no bounds, Jesus. Amen.

Note: Our dear friends Terry, Nancy & Dwayne Clark recorded a song called, "Thank You" which reminded me of how the Lord can speak to us through music. How grateful I am for what Jesus has done for me. You can listen to this beautiful song by clicking here. 

“This was taken on our lanai, and it speaks of God’s faithful promises and presence.” (Patty)

“This was taken on our lanai, and it speaks of God’s faithful promises and presence.” (Patty)

“See the heart cloud? This was taken at First Prez Ko’olau, reminding me of God’s great love for us, and my husband’s for me.” (Patty)

“See the heart cloud? This was taken at First Prez Ko’olau, reminding me of God’s great love for us, and my husband’s for me.” (Patty)


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