Who Would You Want To Be In The Bible?

SEPTEMBER 23, 2020

By Chaz Umamoto, Coordinator of Worship Ministry Support

If you could be like one of the characters in the Bible, who would it be? 

You can find some options from the genealogy of Jesus listed in Matthew 1, or in the hall of fame chapter in Hebrews. But for me, without thinking more than a second about it, the character I want to best model and be like in the New Testament is Jesus’ donkey. (Yup!) Please click here to read about the donkey in Mark 11:1-11.  

It’s the donkey that Jesus sat on to enter Jerusalem to fulfill His mission to die on the cross for our sins and to rise again from the dead. I think that donkey got the highest honor because it got to carry Jesus, the Protagonist of the Bible and the Savior of the world. It may seem like a small role for the donkey, but it was important because Jesus used it for an important purpose.

When I was a young Christian I wanted to change the world. I wanted to do all things, and go to all places. But the more time I spend with Jesus, I’m learning that what He wants to change is ME, so that I can embody His spirit and characteristics wherever I go. If I’m going to bring Jesus to my community, I need to be like that donkey. I need to be willing to let Jesus be the main character in my life, while I be the vessel by which He is seen.

Our family is trying to figure out what it means to be humble and Christ-like during these times. I’m taken back to my college mantra while attending the University of Hawaii at Manoa, which is: “Life is hard? Compared to what?” said Voltaire. I have not experienced an epidemic until now, so even though life is hard right now, I try to keep my thoughts in the zone of “This is what’s happening. This is hard. Now what does Jesus want me to do?”

I suspect we often think of ourselves as old wineskin, that God can’t use us, and there are no opportunities for us to be His vessels for His work, or that we can’t possibly make an impact or affect other people. Last week my wife, Sarah, and our son, Jojo took a 15-minute walk across the street to our local supermarket. And within 30 minutes at least three people, who work or live in our area, told me, “Hey, we just saw your wife and son.” It’s amazing how by just going to the supermarket, Sarah and Jojo were able to run into three people and probably engaged with several other strangers. We can have an impact on others, whether we intend for it or not.

But I say that the enemy wants us to think that we’re without a purpose or cannot be used by God. I would even go so far as to say that the enemy takes pleasure in us wasting time on our phones that could take us into many rabbit holes, instead of using our time to bring Jesus and the Kingdom of God into our world. 

What about you? Who would you like to be in the Bible? And how can you be like that person as you follow Jesus and live out your faith? 

Prayer: Lord, I want to be a “holy fool” for You. Humble me so that You can use all of me for Your good purposes and plans. Take away my agendas, and steer me in the directions You want me to go. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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