Thy Will Be Done

SEPTEMBER 22, 2020

By Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant

Have you ever faced an event in your life that absolutely rocked your world? One that hit you like a ton of unexpected bricks? That seemed like a whirlwind and you were smack dab in the middle of it? That left you wondering why?

I have. 

And so has the One who loves you to the Cross and back ... Jesus. And as He faced the most horrendous event in human history that any of us could ever imagine, think, or experience, He “fell to the ground and prayed that, if it were possible, the awful hour awaiting Him might pass him by. ‘Abba, Father, He cried out, everything is possible for You. Please take this cup of suffering away from Me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine.’” (Mark 14:25,36)

Wow. In other words, He didn’t want to face what He was about to, to be that sacrificial Lamb in our place ... and yet He submitted to His Father’s plan. 

Thy will be done.

Do we say those words when:

- Nothing seems to make sense.

- The challenge seems beyond the solution.

- The obstacle is too difficult to overcome.

- The burden seems too heavy to bear.

It’s in times like this that we must call on our Abba, our Daddy. To run to Him for strength. To seek Him as our Shelter from the storm.

Yes, that challenge or trial may still be there, but so is our Lord. And He is the One who meets us in it. He will bring us closer to Himself as we move closer to Him.

Thy will be done? 

Yes, Lord. 

Prayer: Lord, nothing passes by You that You aren’t aware of and You are acquainted with all of our ways. Let us trust You that You are a caring God who loves us beyond measure. The height, width, breadth, and length are found in the Cross that our Savior bore as He carried out Your will. May we face our challenges with His words, “Your will. Not mine.” In His matchless Name we pray. Amen.

Please take a few moments to listen to this beautiful song called Thy Will.

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