Get Used To Different

By Rosella Shishido. Communications Ministry Coordinator

Have you ever watched THE CHOSEN? It’s been one of my favorite TV series lately. I love the writing, the production, and how the filmmakers interpret what’s recorded in the Bible about Jesus. 

One of my favorite scenes in season 1 is when Jesus calls the abhorred tax collector Matthew to follow Him, an invitation that was appalling to Simon (Peter). Here’s that dialogue from episode 7:

Simon: “Do you have any idea what this guy (Matthew) has done? Do you even know him?”
Still looking at Matthew, Jesus says: “Yes, I know him.”
Simon: “I don’t get it.”
Jesus: “You didn’t get it when I chose you either.”
Simon: “But this is different. I’m not a tax collector.”
Jesus turns to Simon and says: “Get used to different.”

That’s just so Jesus, isn’t it? Just when we think we know how He’ll respond to a situation or to a prayer request, He does something unexpected, something different from what we’re used to. His love, His wisdom, and His power are so infinitely immeasurable that there’s simply no way we can predict Him or put limits upon Him based on what our finite minds believe.

“For as the sky soars high above earth, so the way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.” (Isaiah 55:9, The Message)

If you’re finding yourself in the midst of an unexpected situation that has messed up your plans, I suggest you take a pause. Ask the Lord for guidance. And then listen to what He has to say. Perhaps there’s a hidden good in it that’s escaping your notice. Or maybe the Lord is showing something that needs to be adjusted or changed in your character, lifestyle, relationships, or how you’ve been accustomed to doing things. Painful, yes ... but it will be the good pain of growth.

Whatever that unexpected thing is, face it, and look at it as a stepping stone toward something better, something higher that will strengthen your faith in our Lord and equip you for what lies ahead. 

Be on the lookout for the unexpected and the different because Jesus just might be working through it.

Let’s get used to different.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I am grateful that You’re You, that You think differently from how I think. Please open my eyes, my heart, and my mind to what You are showing me or telling me through the unexpected situations (good or bad) that come up. I choose to trust that You will work through them to help me grow in my walk with You. Amen.

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