Who I Am In Christ

By Jenny Sung, Executive Coordinator

I have this fabulous tool on my computer called Basecamp, a project management software that keeps all the information related to a project, program, or product and keeps the team members up-to-date on the latest articles, communications, schedules, etc. I love how everything can be kept in one place.

I have no complaints about Basecamp whatsoever …  except for the fact that I get a daily email notification asking––

“What did you work on today?” 

It’s a friendly reminder to keep the team on track with projects. But for some reason, I feel a jolt of anxiety each time I see the email. I know I can take off the notifications, but I figure the reminders are good for me. 

So why the reaction? Why would my mind race with thoughts like, “Oh, why didn’t I get more done today? Maybe I should do W, Y, and Z more? What if I didn’t do enough? What if people expect more of me as a leader?” ..... and I beat myself up. 

These thoughts have nothing to do with Basecamp. It has everything to do with me. To this day, I struggle with the lie that what I do matters more than who I am in Christ. It’s like a distorted Home Depot tag line in my brain (“more saving, more doing!”) that justifies my worth in works. But that is not who we are in Jesus Christ. 

The Bible says that we are justified not by works but by FAITH. Our lives were paid with the blood of Christ, and our salvation is based on His work on the cross. He deemed us that worthy and loved us that much. 

The apostle Paul told the church in Galatia, “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” (Galatians 2:20)

As a believer in Christ, we are a new creation. Christ Himself dwells in us, and we no longer live through our own lies. We can shed all that hinders; the lies, the expectations, the burden and the doubt, and allow the love and light of Christ to shine in and through us. Because of the gift of Jesus Himself, we are free to live by faith, and not by works.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me. Thank You for giving Yourself for me. Please help me to live by faith in You, and shed any lie that would hinder me from being all that You’ve created me to be. In Your Name I pray, Amen.

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