God’s Greatest Gift

By Marianne (Deacon) & Scott Schultz (Elder)

“For here is the way God loved the world—He gave his only, unique Son as a gift.  So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life. 17 “God did not send His Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it!” - John 3:16-17 (The Passion Translation)

The Christmas season brings many emotions to people from various backgrounds and beliefs. Many people are familiar with John 3:16 (Max Lucado calls it “The Hope Diamond of the Bible”). But decidedly fewer know 3:17. Giving and receiving gifts is a common practice. Giving one’s son as a gift to humanity?  Judging and condemning are also common. Realizing the need for rescue by a Savior?  

We had the honor of sharing our Advent testimonial in December 2011 (just seven months after we became members of First Prez). This presented the challenge and opportunity to reflect upon our journey to Jesus. That was much less arduous than the journey of Mary and Joseph, and Jesus!  Here are a few excerpts:

[Marianne]: “My journey this year has brought me inner peace through my commitment to Christ, and Scott and I joining First Prez. Our lives have been filled with many “small miracles”, beginning with our births. I was born to a teenage girl Myrna Penass—alone, scared, and penniless—who made her way to Chicago from the Menominee reservation to have her baby in a Catholic Orphanage. Months later I was adopted by Genevieve and Ervin Williams, who were unable to have children of their own.” 

[Scott]: “My father, Don Laflin, had a congenital heart valve defect and doctors advised my Mom Marcia not to have children with Don. They followed their hearts, and I was born in good health. Don died before I got the chance to know him. I was blessed with loving grandparents (Laflin & Grimm). A few years later Mom married Steve Schultz, the only Dad I ever knew. He followed his heart and adopted me (and I got another great set of grandparents). Steve always treated me as his son.”  

[Myrna, Genevieve, Ervin, Don, Marcia, and Steve each gave us a great gift!]

In closing, we said, “God keeps showing us that His love never fails, by guiding the important events in our lives. He speaks through love. He speaks to our hearts. Follow your heart, you’ll hear God talking. Listen carefully; He might be whispering.” 

1 Corinthians 13:13 - And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love. (NKJV)

After finishing the 8:00am service, we sat in the front row and Roz began to play “Christmas Lullaby”.  The beauty of her voice and the way the lyrics echoed our story brought us to tears (almost disrupting the service). 

 “How beautiful, how precious, The Savior of old
To love so completely, The loneliest soul
How gently how tenderly, He says to one and all
Child you can follow Me, And I will lead you home
Trust Me and follow Me, And I will lead you home"

After the services, several people told us how our references to adoption really touched them. We came to realize that was the “theme” of our testimony.  It is also what Jesus desires for His children. “Child you can follow Me…”

During the Advent season, we celebrate God’s greatest gift: Jesus…Immanuel…God with us. Jesus, the Light of the World, wants to “adopt” you…forever. Not to judge or condemn, but to rescue and offer eternal life to all who trust and follow Him. Share the gift, the thrill of hope, the Great News that is Christmas!

Amy Grant - Christmas Lullaby / I Will Lead You Home (almost as good as Roz’s version):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-gAPMo4SdI

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we are grateful for Your gifts of faith, hope, and love that you gave to us through your only begotten Son Jesus. Help us to share Your greatest gift, the Light of the World, and Your great love with others during this season of light and love, and in times of darkness. Alleluia & Amen!


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