What To Do When A Shark Is Swimming Towards You

by Shayna Kusumoto, Graphics and Communications

“In you, Lord my God, I put my trust. I trust in you; do not let me be put to shame, nor let my enemies triumph over me.” (Psalm 25:1-2)

A shark photographer was asked a question—“What do you do when you’re in the water and a shark starts swimming toward you?” The answer was something I heard on John Ortberg’s YouTube channel BECOME, and I’ll never forget it. The shark photographer said, “I swim TOWARDS the shark. Everything else around me is swimming away from the shark. But swimming towards it triggers its defense mechanism that says ‘Hey this guy isn’t acting like prey—it must not be. I better get outta here!’ And the shark will swim away.” 

The shark in this story is analogous to shame. Just like a shark, shame comes into our lives to terrorize us—to send us running into hiding, avoidance, or escape. How do we overcome shame? It seems unintuitive, but the trick is to calmly and assertively, move towards it. 

When I heard this the first time, I immediately thought of what I am currently most ashamed of: gray hair. Yes, the most tell-tale sign of aging, and at this point in my life I can no longer say it’s premature. I used to compulsively color my hair to cover up the gray. When I see it in the mirror (and believe me I LOOK for it), I’m repulsed. 

But what does the shark photographer tell me to do? If shame is the shark in this analogy, I’m supposed to swim towards it. Does that mean never coloring my hair ever again (Lord, have mercy)? Maybe. But maybe not. I think it’s more about inwardly moving toward the thing that makes me feel shame. Facing what scares me. Not letting it triumph over me. Not letting it drive me to hide, avoid, or escape (via addictions).  

Jesus came into this world on Christmas to free us from shame, from the entrapments of sin, from fear, and everything the enemy uses to terrorize us. He came in the form of a little baby in a manger who would, 33 years later, be the atoning sacrifice for us. He is the only way out of this panicked life. He is the only One able to save us. So in YOU, Lord, I will put my trust. 

How does shame show up in your life? What do you feel “so shame” about? It might not be as seemingly trivial or vain as mine, but in all honesty, the trivial stuff points to something deeper (which I am investigating btw). Whatever it is for you, Jesus came to show you a new way—SWIM TOWARDS THE SHARK. It’s become my new mantra. 

Put your trust in the Lord—not in your ability to flee. As you do so, you will disempower the enemy and the triumph will be THE LORD’S. 

So next time you see me, and if my gray roots are showing, you’ll know my mantra is working. Swim towards the shark! 

Prayer: Lord Jesus, on this season of Advent, help us to not run away from the things we feel “so shame” about. But instead help us to face it with courage while putting our trust in You. Amen.


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