Shine Like A Star

by Luke Shin, Middle School Co-coordinator

Did you know that the closest star to us, which is the sun, is approximately 92 million miles away? That is insane! That is roughly 1,619,200,000 football fields. Although so far away, the sun is visible because it’s constantly shining brightly. 

Just like the sun or any other star, we too can shine. 

It seems like more and more people want to be a star and to shine in public. Most people want to be famous, whether it’s on TikTok, YouTube, or any other social media platform. At some point in my life, I have definitely wished I was a YouTube star, playing video games for a living. 

But what about being a star in God’s eyes?

God’s people are all stars in His eyes, but there are some stars that shine brighter than others. In Daniel 12:3 it says:

“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”

People who live in God’s wisdom and go by that wisdom are sure brighter in God’s eyes. Not only that, but those who help lead people to righteousness will glow like stars forever. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like a flickering light in God’s eyes. There are many times when I failed to follow God’s wisdom and go towards my own. 

There are those times when I failed in my fast and missed a day. Those times when I got into a huge argument with a family member, or said something I shouldn’t have. The list can go on and on. Those are the times that make me feel like a flickering light, and perhaps you can relate. Even when we may feel like a flickering light, God forgives us. 

As the middle school youth group closed off our series on FORGIVENESS, one of our bottom lines was that “everybody needs forgiveness.” We used the verse Romans 5:8––“But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 

Following God’s wisdom isn't always easy to do. And for those times that we do mess up, hopefully we learn from those mistakes. My ultimate goal is that as I grow in God’s wisdom, my actions and words will reflect God’s righteousness that would lead others in the same direction. 

Let’s be stars together.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ to stay close to You and Your Word. Especially during this time of fasting, I pray that You will give us wisdom and lead us in the right direction. Show us who we could lead to righteousness. Help us shine your light on everyone we meet. In Jesus's name, Amen.

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