By Al Linton, Session Elder

Revelation 22: 14-15

14 “Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15 Outside are the dogs, those that practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. -

Wow, there’s a lot going on in that verse. At our weekly “Just Show Up” we recently finished Revelation. What a way to end 2020. What I want to focus on from this verse is idolaters. Idolatry is not just a graven image, it can be applied to many things. Love of money, sex, power, being liked on Facebook. The list can go on and on. 

But I want to focus on celebrity idols. I am a Beatlemaniac. I am a walking encyclopedia when it comes to the Beatles. I have books, all the albums on vinyl and CD, T-shirts and posters. Sometimes it seems I know more about the Beatles than…Jesus!

I came to this realization a few years ago when I came back to Christ and church and started to understand and read the Bible. I once made a New Year’s resolution that I wanted to know more about Jesus than John Lennon.

 I read an article written by a Christian attorney, Chad Napier, about the six signs that attraction to celebrity may actually be idol worship.

1. Seeking to promote the celebrity instead of the Word. Paul (not McCartney) teaches us to give up our earthly natures that produce a temporary satisfaction and promotes man more than our Lord.

2. Agreeing with everything a celebrity promotes. I remember when John Lennon’s Imagine was released: “Imagine there’s no Heaven”. I loved that song.  However, the first time I played it for my dad, I was around 13, he said, “It’s a song about communism.” What a bubble burst!

3. Attempting to mimic a celebrity’s lifestyle. With the Beatles it was the long hair. I always wanted the round John Lennon glasses. Never worked for my face. Except for growing a beard, I never mimicked Jesus.

4. Spending more time chasing a celebrity than God. Couldn’t wait to get the latest release from them rather than the latest from God.

5. Emphasizing the celebrity’s appearance over the Words of God they share. His point is to be careful to emphasize the message more than the messenger and to remember what the true message is. 

6. Giving higher credence to celebrity opinions based on accomplishments.  Just because the celebrity has won many awards and popularity doesn’t mean their opinions represent the word...“Imagine there’s no heaven.”  

I am continuing my journey to know and promote Jesus. I want to be the walking talking encyclopedia when it comes to Christ!

Are there things in your life you put before Christ?

Dear Father, I ask for you to help me separate my idol worship of things or people and focus more on you and your word. Help us recognize Your truth. In Jesus name. Amen.

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