SEE YOU IN 2021!



Thank you so much for stopping by! All of our writers are currently taking time to refresh from writing devotionals for the week of December 27, 2020, and will be back with more of God’s Word on January 4, 2021.

Please feel free to read our past devotionals or check out our website for upcoming events. Here are a few links that you can navigate through to see what might interest you along with events that are coming up:

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We know it's been a tough year, But this past Sunday, in her sermon entitled "Peace and Goodwill," Jenny Sung reminded us of how God kept moving through it all. Here's a little of what she had to say.

"Despite the circumstances and the struggle, the kingdom of God is moving. The buildings may have been closed, but church was very much open. There are too many to cover them all, but I just wanted to reveal a few of the ways the church community – that's you- have responded in the last few months.

  • Received 70-80 lbs of food/household at two food distributions.

  • In partnership with Family Hui Hawaii, drive-by pick-ups were provided to the community to distribute packets with diapers, baby wipes, baby food, toiletries, school supplies, and more.

  • Groceries were packed for 500 kupunas through Kakaako Kupuna, serving low-income senior apartments in Kakaako.

  • The Trunk or Treat Drive-through served over 300 kids to bless the community with games and treats, costumes, and fun.

  • Thanksgiving dinners and prayer of blessing provided thanksgiving meals to hundreds as they drove through the Koolau campus for the drive-by Thanksgiving meal distribution.

  • Church members served with Life 360 to help youth learn computer skills for online school.

  • Through the HI Foodbank, almost 2000 families drove through the Ko’olau campus.

  • Hundreds came to the church Prayer Walk praying on the grounds of Koolau as God revealed full usage of the 246 acres of church property.

  • The Nativity Walk telling the story of Jesus was also a food drive to help replenish Hawaii Food Bank for those in need in our community. 

  • Volunteers continue to serve every week with the Pantry, and $100K was loaned to The Pantry so they could buy food with the CARES funding. They’re paying us back this week.

  • The one million dollar repair of the roof is ongoing and should be finished next year.

  • And all this while all four worship services went online with interactive online platforms, increasing in attendance and reach to the mainland and other countries.

Thank you God, for your provision and your continuous movement during this pandemic. Thank you for providing us a community of those with serving hearts. We look forward to MORE of Your love, grace, mercy, and guidance in 2021. Amen.


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