I’m Getting Ready


By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship

I recently received a very rude awakening. My fingers are not cooperating with me like they should, like they used to, like they have for decades! For a pianist, having your fingers not cooperating with your mind, heart, and soul is a very, very bad thing. But I didn’t see it coming. After all, I used to play seven days a week for decades! I never imagined my fingers could get so weak.  

Then it happened. I went on vacation. An actual extended period of time where I didn’t work for two whole weeks. No typing anything of significance, and no playing the piano at all. When I got back home, I tried to play something and my left hand wouldn’t cooperate! It’s not as if it was limp, but my playing was so sloppy and my timing was so messy! That is not okay for a worship leader. 

So, my friends, I’ve gone back to basics. I’m doing scales again! Exercises that I hadn’t done since I was 10 years old! I am shocked at what my fingers have forgotten and lost during these past six months. Vocally, I’ve continued to sing every day, throughout each day, just for fun. I sing when I wake up. I sing when I’m watering the plants, or cooking, or shopping at Foodland. ☺ All of my daily singing is keeping my voice working, and I hadn’t even thought of the benefits or importance other than how much joy singing brings me. But this time has not been good for my fingers. 

So yes, it has begun. I’m preparing. I’m practicing. I’m actively getting ready for when we are back together! 

What do you need to do to prepare for when we get back to “normal” or “the new normal?” Is there something you would hope to accomplish during the COVID quarantine? Is there a book you need to dust off? Each new day truly is an opportunity to improve ourselves. 

There are some things I’m not looking forward to when we go back, such as waking up early.  That’s going to take practice, and a couple of extra alarm clocks placed strategically in my room. 

However, one thing that fills my heart to overflowing is knowing that there will be a day when we are all together again, singing our hearts out to the Lord! I can hear it in my imagination right now, truly! I hear you all, and I’m smiling so big at this very moment just imagining that day! 

And I have to be prepared. So right after writing this devotional, if you’re walking past my house, maybe getting some exercise and taking in the beautiful afternoon sky, you just might hear me playing my childhood scales and various exercises on the piano! 

The Bible says in 2 Timothy 2:15, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” 

In 1 Timothy, 4:15 Paul tells Timothy, “Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress.”

This rude awakening I’ve recently experienced has helped me to realize that during this time of social distancing, in addition to studying the Bible, in addition to doing Rooted and going deeper spiritually, I need to “practice to show myself approved!” I need to practice honing the gifts and talents God has given me so when we do get together, I’ll be ready, and we will all be free to worship God together, as one body, once again. 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for revealing your truths to us in such creative, patient, gracious ways. Please help me to make the most of each day, to …“Open my eyes that I may see glimpses of truth You have for me. Place in my hands the wonderful key that shall unlock and set me free.”* 

In this prayer right now today, Lord, I’m not going to silently wait for You, as the song says. I’m gonna go practice right now. now. I wanna be ready. In Your precious name I pray, Lord Jesus, Amen.

*from the Hymn “Open My Eyes That I May See”

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