Let Us Pray

SEPTEMBER 10, 2020

By Julie Lockyer, Scheduler and Receptionist

It was a few days before the Kaneohe Christmas Parade. I was in the 5th grade and was going to be in the parade with my Girl Scout group. There was nothing more fun than walking from Windward Mall to Castle High School as part of the parade.

But I had been having stomach cramps off and on. No other symptoms, so my mom and I weren’t too worried. As it got closer to the day of the parade, the stomach cramps hadn’t stopped, so my mom decided to take me to the doctor. She didn’t realize it at the time but that decision was going to save my life.

She took me in to see the doctor on a Thursday, and the doctor sent us to see a surgeon that very same day. I was only 11, so I didn’t really think much of it. I remember the surgeon pressing on my stomach and feeling some discomfort and then he took a few X-rays. The next thing I know my mom and I were heading home to pack a few things for me, and then driving back to the hospital for an emergency appendectomy. My appendix was ready to burst. My mom called my dad at work to let him know what was happening. Things started to make sense to me and I started to get scared. I got to speak to my dad for a brief moment. I started to cry. A simple trip to the doctor’s office was now turning into a scary trip to the hospital for surgery, not something a fifth grader would ever think could happen.

When we got to Castle Hospital we passed the gift shop. I remember seeing a stuffed Bambi in the window. For some reason it was a comforting sight, so I told my mom how much I loved it. When I woke up after surgery, the first thing I remember was seeing Bambi! My mom made sure it was by my bedside when I woke up. 

I was told my appendix had ruptured during surgery so I needed to stay in the hospital a few days and that had I walked in the parade, I would not have made it. The Lord was watching over me.

Again and again as I look at my past, I see how God was there for me. I believe the love from my mom, her faith in God, and intercessory prayer is what saved my life. 

1 Timothy 2:1 says: “First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people.”

I believe we should all be interceding in prayer for our loved ones no matter what their situation is. It may be addiction or an illness, or maybe someone you love has walked away from their faith. Whatever is going on, just remember God will hear our prayers.

Prayer Lord, thank You for always being there for us and protecting us. Thank You for the opportunity to be able to pray for others knowing that You will hear our prayers. Amen.

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