Authentic About Everything Except ...

SEPTEMBER 25, 2020

By Roslyn Catracchia, Director of Worship

Very often I read the devotionals written by our pastors and staff and I feel inspired! I feel strong! I feel empowered! I feel like I’ve just received an extremely deep truth. And now (music from Mighty Mouse),  “Here I go to save the day!” 

However, this is not going to be one of those devotionals. This not even a one-small-step-for-mankind devotionals. This is more like a teeny-tiny-stepping-stone-in-the-backyard devo. But it’s real, and it’s a snapshot of a moment of reflection for me, so I thought I’d share. 

We’re in the PATHS sermon series, and I was recently in a worship planning meeting with Pastor Steve and Jenny. Steve was going to be preaching on the First Prez core value of authenticity that Sunday. We had chosen the worship songs and were just wrapping up the meeting, and I said, “OK, I gotta run, Guys. I have to color my hair before we film.”

And Pastor Steve started laughing and said, “Roz, you do realize I’m preaching on authenticity this Sunday. What were we talking about all this time?” And I said, “Hey, I can bare my heart and soul in a split second. I have no problem with that. But don’t ask me to bare my roots just yet!” 

We joked back and forth about it, and I was fine. I’m someone who laughs at myself all the time, quickly and (usually) easily. 

But after the meeting, I thought about it more. Why WAS I coloring my hair? Does it mean I’m not being authentic if I do? Am I not being real? 

Well, it didn’t take me long to realize that personally, as a personal choice, I’m coloring my hair for a similar reason as to why I put certain colors of eye shadow on in the morning. Or why I have fun picking reading glasses with fun-colored rims.  

But Steve’s question made me stop and think about being authentic in all I do. Which led me to think more deeply and ponder on all of our core values while coloring my hair ☺ ..... which takes quite a long time, as many of you may know. 

P = Presence

A = Authenticity

T = Thoughtfulness

H = Humility

S = Service

We’re in this sermon series for a few more weeks, and then we’ll be on to a new one. And honestly, while this devotional is a light-hearted look at a serious subject, I’m deeply thankful for this current series, which has given me numerous times to be reflective. It has challenged me to be more authentic with my friends, family, and co-workers, as well as with God. I’ve taken it seriously, and I’ve had some hard conversations with some people in my life, conversations that in the past I probably would have dodged, pushed down inside of me (again), or swept under the rug, as I have done many times in the past. 

I’m thankful for the times of pondering, and the encouragement of our pastors to be authentic, as they teach us more about these priceless core values of our church. I’m thankful that the staff and Elders of our church chose these specific core values after many, many months of prayerful consideration as to what we felt the Holy Spirit was leading us to choose as our core values. 

What thoughts have you had about the PATHS sermon series? Have you been pondering what it means for you to be truly AUTHENTIC? Or what it means to seek the PRESENCE of God? Or to be THOUGHTFUL and HUMBLE? Or to go where God has called you to acts of SERVICE? Kinda exciting, isn’t it? 

When I was child growing up, I had a sign on my wall that said, “Please be patient. God isn’t finished with me yet.” He still isn’t, decades later. I’m still a work in progress. Still a life-long learner. I pray to always be ‘til the day (as Pastor Sim said a while back) when I finally slide into home plate! 

And who knows what color my hair will be on that day. ☺

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us just the way we are, with all of our quirky behaviors, interesting choices, endless questions, and constant seeking as we earnestly desire to grow closer to You. Thank You that we each have our own colorful journeys in life. Holy Spirit, thank You for all that you do in our lives, helping us to become more free and more like You in all we do. Amen

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