The Lion of Judah

AUGUST 26, 2020

By David Chang, Director of Ministry Support

A while back, my spiritual director told me a story about lions that still informs my relationship with God. He shared a story from a missionary who lived among the Maasai, an indigenous ethnic group in Tanzania. 

The missionary was trying to describe the concept of faith to the tribal elder. The westerner described how faith in believing God was like a hunter trying to stalk a lion. The hunter would have to carefully put himself or herself in a position where there was a clear path so he or she could sight and down the lion from a safe distance. The missionary believed that we must pursue God as a hunter stalks a lion, with our diligence and skill.

The tribal elder smiled and told the missionary that their concept of God was a little different. The elder said that they, too, thought of God as a lion, but instead of us pursuing God, God was pursuing us. Unlike a hunter who could be pursuing the lion for sport, the lion hunts for survival. If the hunt is not successful, the lion would starve, so the lion puts everything into the hunt. It uses all of its cunning, all of its strength, and all of its determination. And then when the lion gets close, it takes hold of its prey in its arms and never lets it go. (The Maasai refer to the forepaws of an animal as its arms.)

I love this picture of God. It is God pursuing me; not me pursuing God. This is freeing. It keeps me from being anxious and worried that I’m not doing a good job of loving God. It reminds me that there is nothing I can do or not do that will cause God to love me any less or any more.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord our God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Prayer: Dear Lion of Judah, thank You for hunting me down, chasing after me, and holding onto me with Your arms. Help me to rest in the truth that You will never leave me. Help me to relax in the knowledge that You will never forsake me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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