There Was Jesus (Part 2) 

AUGUST 25, 2020

By Julie Lockyer, Scheduler/Receptionist

It was Dec 13, 2000. My dad had been in the hospital for almost a month. He would take one step forward toward recovery, but then two steps back. He was now in an induced coma so his body could rest and try to heal. There came a point when the doctors didn’t think he was going to make it because his kidneys started shutting down. With all he had been through, it was time to let him go. We weren’t sure when, but we knew the time would be soon. 

I woke up the next morning with a strange peace about me, and I had a feeling it would be the day my dad would go to be with God. I called work to tell them I couldn’t come that day. I told my kids what I was feeling and gave them the choice to either go to the hospital to spend time with Grandpa, or go to school. My son wanted to come with me, while my daughter decided to go to school. She hated seeing her grandpa hooked up to all those machines. I respected both of their decisions. 

I dropped Jena off at school, and Jason and I went to see my dad. I was glad we did. The day started out just fine. My dad was stable. Nothing to worry about, but then at about midday his heart rate started going down. The nurse came in and explained what was happening and that this was going to be the end. She said his heart may stop and start up again, but that was to be expected, and then it would stop again for the last time. That’s what she thought. 

My dad’s heart did stop and start and stopped again. But that wasn’t the end. Dad’s heart started back up again! The nurse was amazed! This kept going on for a long time. We laughed because I realized my dad was only going to go when he was ready. 

I knew in my heart that my dad didn’t want to leave me alone. I think he kept fighting to hang in there for me and his grandkids. I didn’t want to see him suffering, so I told him how much I loved him and that he had been the best dad that he knew how to be. I told him that I would be okay. 

Within a couple of minutes his heart beat for the last time. 

I am so glad that when God woke me up that morning He gave me the discernment to go to the hospital. I got to spend precious time with my dad before he went home to be with Jesus. It is something I will never forget.

Right after my dad died, the nurse came in and said I needed to step out for a few minutes but could come back in when they were done with what they needed to do. I told her I didn’t need to go back in because I would see my dad again in heaven. The peace I was feeling was from Jesus. It was nothing like I ever felt before. 

During his month stay in the hospital, my dad had many setbacks. It was a very emotional time; so many ups and downs. But this I know––through it all there was Jesus. He is with us in the good times, the bad times, and the rough times. He is with us ... ALL THE TIME.

Here’s a song that resonates so much with me because of how Jesus stood by me through that time. It’s called THERE WAS JESUS.May it bless as it did me.

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; He will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” (Deuteronomy 31:8)

Prayer: Lord, Thank You for loving us and being there through all of our circumstances. Thank You that we can cry out to You when we are hurting. Thank You for hearing our cries and bringing us peace and comfort. We may not always experience Your presence, especially in the midst of a difficult time, but we know because of Your love for us …. there Is Jesus! We love You, trust You, and cling to You at all times––through the good and the bad. In Jesus’ Name we pray, Amen!

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