In Loving Hands

JULY 29, 2020

By Marianna Meachen, Director of Care Ministries


Those of you who know me well know that I love dogs. I love all dogs and have had at least 10 or 12 different breeds in my lifetime. But my favorite breed of all time is the West Highland White Terrier, better known as the Westie. These beautiful small, sturdy, compact dogs are hardy, alert, independent, active, friendly, happy, courageous, and extremely loyal.

After getting our first Westie, we were so enamored that we knew we wanted another, so we got our puppy a puppy! Since then, I’ve always had two Westies. But last June, I lost my oldest Westie, Joyful, at age 16. My other Westie, Poppy, and I were both saddened by her loss and have spent the past year on our own.

About five weeks ago on a Sunday, I sat with my computer and, as I have done so many times before, typed in “adult Westies for sale.” Poppy is ten years old, so I wanted another adult dog. Imagine my surprise when my online search took me to the Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation on Maui. And to my delight, I saw an 11-year old female Westie named Lulu and an 8-year old male Westie named Winston. Now my excitement was over the top!

I waited through Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and by noon on Thursday with no news, so I assumed someone had beat me to the dogs. Then late Thursday afternoon, I received a call from the Foundation. The woman on the line reminded me that Lulu was 11 and that Winston had skin issues. I told her, “I want both Westies,” and she was delighted! By Saturday afternoon, both Lulu and Winston were on Oahu. 


They adapted well to being at the house. They had no behavior problems and got along with Poppy. Winston warmed up pretty fast, but it took Lulu about three weeks longer. One evening Lulu came up to me and lay against my chest. As I stroked her, I said to her, "I'll never leave you. You belong to me. The last thing you will ever hear on this earth is my heartbeat."

That reassurance I gave Lulu reminded me of Moses' reassuring words to Joshua when it was time for him to succeed Moses in leading the Israelites into the Promised Land as God had directed him:

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you." (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Moses had summoned Joshua and reassured him that the Lord himself will go before him and will be with him. Moses reminded him that God will never leave him nor forsake him, and so he need not be afraid or be discouraged. Joshua needed that reassurance because his life was about to change. Leading a million Israelites to claim the Promised Land was not an easy task. There were many battles to be fought, relentless enemies to overcome, and Israelite armies to encourage and lead to victory.

Like the Israelites, and like Lulu and Winston, our lives have also been changed. COVID has altered our way of living. It can be frustrating, confusing, and sometimes scary to face what lies ahead. But 2 Corinthians 12:9 says that God's power is made perfect in weakness. That means when our strength ends, God's can begin and is infinite.

God is faithful. If you are seeking Him and His righteousness, if you are abiding in Him and doing His will, then no matter what, He will never forsake you. Do not be discouraged; do not fear. Instead, trust in the Lord. He is our rock, our strength, and our hope. It is He who supplies all our needs.

Be strong and courageous!

Prayer: Father, We praise you for who You are and for Your great love of us. We need Your strength and Your assurance during these uncertain times. We are grateful that we can shelter in Your loving arms and know that You will never abandon us. Thank You for your call to courage. We will go boldly forward, knowing that You are with us. In the mighty Name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

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