Hey, How Are You?

July 28, 2020

By Leslie Paez, Office Manager

When you’re asked, “How are you,” is your immediate response, “Good! How are you?” That response has always been my go-to answer, and if you’re anything like me, I’ve never opened up about my feelings or what I’m going through because I tend to be private about a lot of things.

When the COVID pandemic hit, I began reading a lot–– the media, the news, friends and family’s opinions, etc., and the most common thing I read or saw was, “We hope you are doing well during these hard times.” I asked myself, what does “well” mean? Who decides how “well” is “well,” and what if I’m not? Then what?!

As the weeks went by, I felt that as a Christian, I had to put on a brave face. I have to show the world that I trust God and that He will handle everything. I felt like I have to prove somehow that my God is bigger than everything going on, so I’m not able to tell anyone that I’m not doing “well.” I felt like I couldn’t tell anyone that I was feeling anxious or sometimes depressed. I couldn’t open up to people because I would get judged that my faith wasn’t strong enough, or that I didn’t trust God enough. 

One day I happened to read these Bible verses: 

Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. (Romans 3:5)

It reminded me that God doesn’t expect us always to be okay. He doesn’t expect us not to feel anxiety, depression, or anything else you may be feeling today. He has given us the ability to handle all these emotions so that we can persevere through them and build our character and our faith through our difficult times. He has given us hope so that through the most challenging storm, He will be there. Because as Christians, our duty isn’t to show the world that we are “doing well,” our responsibility is to show that we too are human, we feel things, we go through things, but we have hope. 

So, I ask you this today? “How are you really doing?”

Prayer: God, I pray that as these days continue with so much uncertainty, You will continue to show us Your grace, mercy, and love. I pray that You fill our hearts with peace and remind us of who You are and how much You love us even in the most uncertain times. Regardless of how we’re feeling or what we’re experiencing emotionally, mentally, or even physically, You are the most certain thing. I pray each person reading this may be filled with Your love and Your Holy Spirit and that You may continue to give us hope daily. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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