Life Is The Hole Of The Donut

JULY 21, 2020

By Dwaine Woo, Administrative Assistant

But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

Recently, I was talking with Jenny Sung about life and what’s going on in our lives when I happen to mention my life’s philosophy––– “Life is the hole of the donut.” It simply means that the identifying characteristic that makes a donut is the part that we can’t see. The part that is now the donut hole. Life is similar; the things in life that gives it meaning are invisible to the eye.

In the Scripture passage I chose for today, the Israelites wanted a king, and Saul looked the part. But God knew the real Saul, the unseen part of Saul, his heart. When we meet others, do we base our opinion on first impressions? 

As a follower of Jesus, I need to put more effort into how God sees people. The unseen characteristics of a person can’t be evaluated by looking at the appearance. Dig a little deeper to truly know the person. Like the donut hole, it is the unseen that identifies who the person is.

When my sons were younger and when they complained about someone’s behavior, I would stop them and say, “I wonder what their story is.” Something in their past may be affecting how they are acting today, those unseen things that make up who they are. 

My mom used to tell me that there is good in everyone; you just need to find it. It takes work to find their story, but when I do, I begin to see who people really are, and how God sees them.

What makes up a person goes way beyond Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and all the other social media platforms. We want to be seen at our best, but we hide the rest. It is the unseen that makes us relatable to one another. When I understand that we all bear some internal pain, a hidden secret, then I am able to share and reach someone. 

My life’s philosophy has so many applications, not just with relationships but with faith and that mysterious ingredient that makes hot Cheetos so spicy. 

So, whether it is your faith, your heart, or your story, I want to know what makes you, you. After all, it is not the seen that God looks at but the unseen. The heart.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I need Your help to see people’s hearts as You do. Not to judge but to connect and love them. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!

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