Taxes, An Act Of Holiness?

JULY 17, 2020

By Chaz Umamoto, Coordinator of Worship Ministry Support

Prior to coming back to Hawaii, I street performed in over 50 cities up and down the West, South, and East Coasts in a span of four years, while part of the band Streetlight Cadence. It was my way of life. I was one of those guys that people either stopped to watch or ignored. In those times I met and prayed for so many strangers on the streets, some of whom I’m still in contact with. I know that God took me away from Hawaii for a season to stretch my faith and faithfulness in this way. 

Now you can imagine how strange the experience was taking all my earnings to the bank every week, and then proceeding to do taxes in multiple states every year. Not easy, that’s for sure, but I know God is pleased when we are faithful to Him and when we do our duty to pay taxes.

Most of us consider our paying taxes as an act of faith, but every year I try to keep the mindset that paying taxes is also an act of holiness!

Think about it. Every year we get to take an inventory of how God provided for us and where that provision went. That’s 365 days of God putting breath into our lungs and giving us the opportunity to earn. Jesus must think that this aspect of life is important. One could argue that in the Bible He mentions money more than any other topic in His ministry. 

For example, in Mark 12:13-17, Jesus responds to the Pharisees’ question if they should pay taxes to Caesar by saying, “Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Crazy! It says they were amazed, and I am too. 

In another passage, Matthew 17:27, Jesus provides a Roman coin from a fish, a clear example of how God uses His creation to provide for His people.

I think it’s easy to forget where our money comes from when we get a regular paycheck. But all the time I spent as a small business owner and a sole-proprietor where part of my income came from performing on the streets, there was no guarantee that I would ever go home with anything. If I ever took a $10-bill to the bank (a rare bill these days, and yes, that’s a nod to Hamilton), I knew that it was because God gave me the ability, the breath, the job, and the platform to do so. 

May this tax season not be one of great task for us but of great joy for all the Lord has done and provided. I hope you find peace knowing that your faithfulness is more than enough for Him, for He is a good Papa, one who is easy to please, and is well pleased with You.

Prayer: Lord, they say that wherever we spend our money, our heart is also. I know that You care deeply about finances. You cared so much you kept a tax collector as a disciple and called him your own. Would You fill us with gratitude as we close this tax season. Remind us of Your goodness. Remind us of how much you’ve provided for us. And show us how we can be better stewards. Help us to see the holiness in giving to You, our Creator, in  what You are doing in the world through us. Amen.

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