
June 5, 2020

By Karen Makishima, Director of Family Life Ministries

The Lord calls us to be in community. Life is too hard to do it on our own. We each need a cheerleader who desires God’s very best for us and cheers us on to live out His best. 

I’ve sought out a cheerleader, and she has done an amazing job of cheering me on. She knows that my sabbath is on Thursdays, and she reminds me that the Lord wants me to meet with Him. She warns me that many things will try to distract me from doing that, but on my sabbath, my best yes is to be with the Lord. 

She encourages me to be still so that I can listen to the voice of my Creator. She prays for me to have wisdom in loving my husband and my family, and in leading God’s people in ‘Ohana Ministry. She prays strength over me as the journey at times gets really tough. She has been one of God’s greatest gifts to me. She is MY personal prayer warrior, and at times she will also pray for the whole First Prez Leadership Team. 

Here’s one of her prayers: 

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus ... since You are the Alpha and Omega and everything in between, thank you for the goodness, mercy, and compassion You’ve placed in the hearts of the FPC leadership staff. 

Thank you for Your vision to update the FPC website. Thank you for all of the social media resources available and the talents of people who know how to disseminate Your love, comfort, and peace to us.

Thank you for this quiet time to meander, ponder, dream, say thanks, I love you, I’m sorry, will you forgive me?

Thank you for being Yah-Weh, the One who ignores social distancing, who is comfortable with touch on so many levels, who will never deny us entry into Your heart of hearts, who reaches out with Your right hand, Your hand of unlimited goodness to give us hope, help, and strength (Psalm 18:35).

Thank you for being our Jesus Christ in this crisis, our Comfort in the chaos, our Counselor in the convening, our Creator in the contingencies and the cancelled, our confiding and conversational Friend in our confession, our ultimate Cleanser from Corona, our complete All in All. In the name of Jesus, the Constant, in the lives of FPC’s leadership. Amen

Would you consider being someone’s cheerleader, and cheer them on to live out the best version of themselves? Would you also consider asking someone to be a cheerleader for you? 

Prayer: Lord, please bring to mind at least one person I could cheerlead for this season by pointing them to you. I also pray that you would put it on my heart who to ask and who would be committed to praying for your best for me. Lord, you tell us that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. I  want to be powerful and effective in my family, my neighborhood, and in my areas of influence. Amen.

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