A Happy Birthday ... Forevermore

June 4, 2020

by Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant


“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.” Luke 19:10

We have a staff calendar where we sign up on the date we’d like to submit a devotional, and my eye was drawn to June 4th. [Ya think it may have to do with the fact that I was born on this day (ahem) ___ years ago? Probably.]

But it caused me to think of a much more significant day: my spiritual birthday—when I came to know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Now that's a day to remember! It changed the course of my life forever, and forever I am grateful.

I thought I knew God, but always felt He was way up in the sky. If I did good, He loved me. If I didn't, He was waiting to let me know about it. Although I loved God, I didn't have a real and personal relationship with Him. 

That all changed the night I went to a bachelorette party at a bar, with male dancers, too many drinks, and a lot of ladies hootin' and hollerin'. The following week I was invited to a church service by my roommate and decided to go. Wow! The contrast between the darkness of that bar, and the Light of that church was too obvious to ignore.

I went back to that same bar with some friends soon after. As I sat there, I felt so uncomfortable. What had been appealing before now made me feel so out of place. I heard an almost audible voice say, "What are you doing here?!” In my mind I thought, “What AM I doing here???” I immediately caught a cab and left.

I ended up going back to that church one evening for a service/concert and the band sang a song saying, "You've been running away too long. It's time for you to come back home.” That was me! I was running away from the Lord trying to fill my life with everything but Him.

I committed my heart and life to Him that night, my spiritual birthday, and the direction of my life changed. Since then I have sought to please Him with my life; to grow in Him; to share His Gospel message with others. 

I am so blessed to be able to say, "Happy Birthday to me." Not my physical one—my spiritual one—which has truly made all the difference in this life, and in the Life to come. May I encourage you to share your story with someone?

Prayer: Lord, I can't thank You enough for the gift of salvation through Jesus. Although it was many years ago, the day I gave my heart to You was the best day of my life. May I never stop growing in You no matter how many candles are on that birthday cake. I pray in the Name above all Names, Jesus.


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