Together Apart

May 29, 2020

By Pastor Steve Peich

Heb. 10.23-25 - Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Let’s face it, the COVID crisis has negatively impacted everyone one of us in one degree or another. Even things that may have first brought us some solace and a means to cope with social distancing now feels annoying. For some of us, Zoom has become a new four-letter word.

Even introverts like me are saying: “Ok, enough ‘me time.’ I need to hang out with people.” I miss hanging out face-to-face with my extended family. I miss giving people hugs and handshakes at church. I miss not seeing every person at the grocery store as a potential “Super Spreader.” 

For some, the fact that large gatherings at church will not happen right away creates a feeling of frustration. But I think this deferment is a great opportunity for something powerful to arise in greater measure among our community: Small Groups. As the pastor who oversees our small group ministry (aka Life Groups) I think we are at the threshold of potentially moving into a form of discipleship and community that will deeply impact and change our church and those beyond it. There are many ways you can get in on this. Let me speak of just one.

If you are not in or currently meeting as a small group, let me encourage you to try something new this week. One of the great things that has arisen during this crisis is the development of Digital Connect Groups after each online service. They were created to help us maintain, or even grow in, an experience of community, as well as to deepen our discipleship growth in these days where we have to be so far from each other. One of the better things I have seen in such groups is how folks who have been coming to First Prez for years, even decades, have only now met and spoken to each other for the first time. Moreover, I have witnessed people sharing deeply important things about their lives. One group of women enjoyed it so much they decided to form a new Life Group that meets on Saturdays!

So I want to invite you all to join us for our post-church service Digital Connect Groups. Put yourself out there and become part of God’s eyes, ears, and words that help others find a place of peace, growth, and community. Ask your questions, share your wisdom, offer your listening skills to help others in our community become as God intended. 

Just because we are in a world of social distancing doesn’t mean we give up ‘meeting together’ and ‘encouraging one another.’ That call on our lives is still there. How will you answer the call?

Prayer: “Lord, I know I need others in my life right now to grow, heal, and thrive as a Christian. Show me who I can connect with. Give me the opportunity to be Your eyes, ears, and words to someone else who may need encouragement. I’m here to serve You and Your people. In Your Name I pray, Amen.”

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