Not All There Yet

May 28, 2020

by Dwaine Woo, Administrative Assistant

“But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:18

There are things in life that being bad at is totally okay. Such as, music, dance, drawing, rocket science, knowledge of the Harappa Civilization, and even Star Trek. If I said I have no dancing ability, most people would accept it and understand. They might even empathize with me on my lack of skill as a dancer. However, if I said I was a Christian, hmmm, the expectation changes. Suddenly I have to be the perfect example of one who has the fruit of the Spirit, someone who’s pious and able to dispense incredible amounts of mercy and grace. 

Unfortunately, I am not very good at any of those things. But fortunately, God understands and He is working in me to make me more like Him. But it takes time; it is a process. 

Sports teams avoid using the term “rebuilding” when they are working at restructuring the team because it sounds like, “We are going to be bad, so please bear with us.” And fans don’t like losing (of course, neither do the players). Instead, the word “process” has entered the sports vernacular. This sounds much more palatable. “We are in the process of moving forward, and we’re making positive changes.” Fanatical followers are more willing to accept the slow, methodical pace if they believe that the team is working toward building a winner.

As I go through my own “process,” I need to remind myself that it doesn’t happen overnight. There are a lot of kinks to work out––bad habits and incredibly awful-looking dance moves that need to change. But with the help of the Holy Spirit, I will continue to move forward. God understands, thank goodness. 

Note to self: “Don’t be too hard on yourself.”

Prayer: Thank you, Heavenly Father for being in my life. Please continue to move me ever closer to You. Most of all I am so grateful that You understand that I am not all there yet. But, because of the gift of Your Son, I can make it. Amen

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