Memorial Day

May 25, 2020

By Marianna Meachen, Director of Care Ministries

John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. 

Today we celebrate Memorial Day, a day to remember and honor the brave soldiers, sailors, and Marines who have given their lives to protect our land and keep us free. It began as a day to honor our Civil War dead, but after World War I, it was expanded to include our war dead from all the wars in which America was involved. Our country has fought in 13, and in every one of these wars, we have asked the young people of our nation to be willing to give their lives in the name of freedom.

We’re now involved in a different type of war–––the war against the coronavirus. It has been a battle of a different sort and there have been casualties. But after only nine weeks, we have grown weary. We miss seeing our friends. We’ve had to give up things we enjoy or have been used to. Many have lost their jobs. The world has changed.

Just stop and think about a little of what the people of our military have given up for us. At the very least, they have given years of their life, time away from their families to serve the country they love. They have given up any chance of setting down “roots,” having to move from base to base every three to four years. Many who have been injured in battle will be physically disabled the rest of their life. Scores have been mentally disabled from head injuries and PTSD, resulting in them being unable to handle day-to-day living. And thousands have given the ultimate sacrifice, so that we can continue to live in a land of freedom.

We may not be able to understand what they went through, and are continuing to go through, all because they love our nation and the freedoms we take for granted every day. It seems as if saying “thank you” just isn’t enough. And what do you say to the wives, children, and parents who have lost their precious loved ones? Lives lost and lives changed forever.

I know personally the pain of loss of a loved one in the military. Although not lost in a war, my first husband was a Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps. He flew in F-4 jets. He was a radar intercept officer (RIO), who sat in the backseat of a two-seat jet and did the communications and navigation. But on November 23, 1979 his plane went down off the coast of California into the Pacific Ocean. He and the pilot were never found.

There is incredible love and sacrifice displayed when people are willing to stand strong and fight for freedom, but the ultimate love and unmatched sacrifice was and always will be that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who went willingly to the cross for you and me so we can be saved from our sins.

Do you know Him as your Savior?

Prayer: Father, may we always remember and honor the sacrifice of those who willingly sacrificed their lives for our freedom. May we also praise and glorify You for the sacrifice that saved us and gave us eternal life. To you be the glory now and forever more, Amen. 

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