Resistance Is Futile

May 22, 2020

By Dwaine Woo, Administrative Assistant

“Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? It is hard for you to kick against the goads.” (Acts 26:14a)

Recently we received an exercise bike from my in-laws, a perfect gift for times like these. I can exercise at home and get healthy. The first day I tried it, I didn’t use the program on the bike. I just pedaled away until I hit five miles. That wasn’t so bad. In fact, I thought it was quite easy.

The next day I decided to use the exercise program that was on the bike. Well, that changed things. A lot! You see, there’s a built-in setting in the bike to create resistance, something I didn’t have the first time around. At first, it was easy. Then it started getting progressively harder and harder. The screen even showed me the resistance level and how much harder it would get! After 20 minutes, I declared myself done. It was too hard! I didn’t even finish the 30-minute workout.

Encountering resistance in life is generally never pleasant. But once we determine that the resistance is meant for our benefit (like the resistance feature on the bike), giving in to it and going along with it is the wise thing to do.

But there’s another kind of resistance. It’s when we resist against what God has planned for us. In the Bible, the apostle Paul (formerly known as Saul) was anti-Jesus at first. He was against Jesus so much that he even had those who believed in Jesus arrested and killed. But it was not until Jesus pushed back against Saul’s mission to squash Christians, that Saul gave in to Jesus.

I wonder how often I resist Jesus and His direction for my life. It’s hard to ignore thoughts that say where I sense the Lord is leading me doesn’t necessarily match the world’s definition of excellence and success. However, I must consistently evaluate whose definition and purpose I am following. Jesus’ or the world’s?

Why resist the One who holds everything in the palm of His hand and is so willing to bless me? “Follow me,” is what Jesus asks. Resisting Him doesn’t make sense when I consider all the rewards and comfort He brings to those who love and follow Him. 

As The Borg would say in Star Trek: The Next Generation: “Resistance is futile.”

Prayer: Jesus, I know that I resist You when I don’t understand what You’re trying to do in my life. Please open my eyes as You did Paul’s eyes, so that I may follow Your will and participate in Your plans. I choose to trust You. Amen!

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