Baby Yoda

May 18, 2020

By Pastor Dan Chun

1Thessalonians 5:11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

This is a season where we need to stand together and encourage one another. Sometimes we can think, “What can I do? I am not rich enough or skilled enough to do anything.”

My friend Heather Portis (daughter of Al and Eilene Kurano) suffers from a a debilitating disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (similar to Multiple Sclerosis), and I have her permission to share that. It’s one of the most painful diseases in the world. She canʻt get out of bed.

It’s hard to ride in a car because of the bumps in the road, which causes her spikes of pain. It has been this way for years.

But in the midst of her pain, Heather tried to think of what she could contribute during this COVID crisis. She canʻt volunteer to carry bags and boxes of food for those in need. She doesnʻt have the energy to get on Zoom calls to say hi to people. She doesnʻt even have the energy to go to church.

But one day, she realized she could pray for people and encourage others through her art.

Baby Yoda figurine.jpg

Heather thought, “How could I help Dan and by helping him I help the church? I can pray for him from my bed! And Iʻm pretty good with my hands. Iʻll make him a Baby Yoda!”

There is a baby that looks like Yoda in the TV series on Disney+ called The Mandalorian. It’s cute, powerful, and short .... hmmm, just like me :). Heather knew from a past sermon I gave that I love Baby Yoda (thatʻs not his name in the show but that is what viewers call him).

So she got some clay and tools, and while lying in bed, she molded the figure just like the one in The Mandalorian. Then she got some paint to give it the exact skin color and shade for the robe. And many hours later she created a two-inch Baby Yoda! Itʻs beautifully made with a lot of detail on the face, the robe, and those big pointy ears! And the color is perfect!

No matter what our disability or challenge might be, we all have gifts we can use for the glory of God, and to encourage others. None of us are completely bankrupt of skills or abilities. We all can pray for others.

I know itʻs hard to be creative when battling depression, anxiety, despair. But sometimes love for others turns the tide. Share the love of Christ in any artistic, concrete way. Once we decide on that, the how-to is not far behind.

The Baby Yoda figurine Heather made for me will always be on my desk to remind me of her fortitude and courage in fighting her disease. Even In the midst of her situation, she chose to be an encouragement to others. A model for us all.

Whatʻs your gift? Is it writing a card? Making a casserole? Helping to sweep the leaves in the yard of a neighbor? Helping others roll back their garbage bins from the roadside? Praying for others? Calling a friend? 

May the Holy Spirit lead you.

Prayer: Lord, You love us so much. May we share Your love and our love with others. May we be ambassadors of Your encouragement. In Christʻs name, Amen.

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