How Are You Doing?

April 24, 2020

By Nora Cunning, Pastoral and Media Support

How are you doing?

That question used to be so simple, something as routine as saying hello. I don’t think I realized until these COVID quarantine days of how important that question is to me. 

You see, I used to take it for granted, and it’s because someone asks me that several times a day. And  most of the time, without even a thought, I would just say, “Good!” Of course, on bad days, I would say, “Not so good,” which would normally lead to a great, uplifting conversation. I could process, find resolution, and receive prayer. This took little to no effort being the extrovert that I am. 

But now, in these days of quarantine, “How are you doing” doesn’t come as often anymore. 

Earlier this week I found myself feeling a little oppressed by depression. I am not sure how it came about, but by the time I realized it, it was pretty heavy. I honestly did not realize how lost I was feeling until two friends asked, “How are you doing?” 

That made me pause and think.

It only takes a couple of days of getting out of a routine, a few bad run-ins with my kids or my husband, a couple of skipped workouts, a few missed prayers, and wham! I am weeping over a simple and easy but extremely IMPORTANT question–––How are you doing?

Psalm 139 ends with a check-in:

Search me, God, and know my heart:

Test me and know my anxious thoughts.

See if there is any offensive way in me,

And lead me in the way everlasting. 

So, this is my hope for today–––that we would all check in with each other and ask, “How are you doing?” And let’s not only check in with each other, but also check in with ourselves and most importantly with God. 

The people who reached out to me were prompted by God to do so. One even said so. She obeyed God, and by doing so, she lifted my spirits and prevented me from spiraling down any further. PRAISE THE LORD!

Moving forward I will be sure to be more self-aware and continue to rely on God and my family in Christ, who can hold me accountable for that. 

If I were to ask you “How are you doing” and you find yourself struggling to answer it, I encourage you to reach out to us, so we can support you by praying for you. The First Prez staff is just an email away:

Jesus cares about you, and so do we.

Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness to provide for my every need. Even when I can not see, You see and You gently show me through Your perfect grace and mercy. Thank You for sending Your people to find me. Please guide me to those who need You. Search me God and know my heart, test me and know my anxious thoughts, see if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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