Little Things With Great Love

By Rosella Shishido, Communications Ministry Coordinator

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is My disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:42)

If you’ve had a biopsy, you know it’s not fun.

I had one a few months ago. Samples of tissue needed to be extracted from a suspicious area in my lung and be examined in a lab. During the procedure I needed to take deep breaths as directed, and that’s why they could only partially sedate me. They also gave me a bit of anesthetic to numb the area, allowing the procedure to be almost painless.

But in spite of knowing all that, and in spite of my prayers and prayers of family and friends, I still had anxiety over it. I dreaded the thought of a long needle poking my lung several times, and I wasn’t convinced it would be painless.

On the day of the procedure, and before each time tissue was extracted, the radiologist would tell the nurse, “Tell her (meaning me) to take a deep breath and hold it.” What the heck? Why couldn’t he just tell me directly when I could totally hear him? Why instruct the nurse to tell me?

I  found out why soon enough.

The way the nurse said “Take a deep breath, and hold it” was totally different from how the radiologist said it. Hers was gentle and comforting. And to top it off, she put her hand over mine every time she said it. After I breathed out, she withdrew her hand.

The gentle instruction to take a deep breath and the placing of her hand over mine would seem like little things that won’t matter much, but to me they were huge! Her words were comforting, and her touch was reassuring. She knew what I needed, and she knew when and how to help me.

This reminded me of how we all have roles to play. We may not all have the opportunity to do great things that impact the world, but we all have opportunities to do little things that benefit those around us, especially if we do them with great love, as the hands and feet of Jesus.

Or perhaps you’re the recipient of such acts of kindness, like how I was during the biopsy. Let’s be grateful for those moments! When someone sends you a card to encourage you, give thanks! When someone makes you a home-cooked meal or sends you a restaurant gift card to help you as you recover from an illness or surgery, give thanks! When someone calls you or sends you a text message to tell you they’ve been praying for you, give thanks! These “little things” are big after all, especially when done with great love.

And guess what? When you do these “little things,” Jesus sees ‘em all! “No simple act of mercy escapes His watchful eye.” That’s actually a line from a beautiful song that has touched my heart recently. It’s called “Little Things With Great Love” by Porter’s Gate. May you be encouraged as you listen to it here.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, I’m grateful that nothing escapes Your eye. You see my needs, and You see other people’s needs. Help me to recognize the opportunities You’ll give me this week to do little things with great love that could be a blessing to others. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.

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