FOR THE WEEK OF may 12, 2024

TOGETHER SERMON SERIES: “Keeping your Word” by Christian Schroppel

SCRIPTURE TO READ: Matthew 5:33-37


1. As he begins addressing the issue in v. 33, Jesus is paraphrasing and combining some Old Testament teaching. Just carry out and follow through on what you say you will do, and you won’t need to buttress your promises in order to convince people. This teaching has so permeated our western culture that we see very few occasions where oaths are acceptable and part of some kind of procedure.

2. Can you give the few examples where oaths do play a role? (Maybe there is more out there than I am aware of!)

3. What about oaths in other cultures you have been a part of? Can you give examples and explain their purpose?

4. Identify and discuss all the reasons Jesus argues against swearing oaths at all.

5. What is Jesus’ final summary command? Where would that apply?


1. Identify and discuss the various occasions we do not keep our word. And then discuss all the reasons for us not keeping our word.

2. Identify and discuss the various occasions when we would make a claim about what we did or what happened and feel compelled to say, “I swear!”

3. How often do you hear people say “I swear” these days?

4. Where are you on a scale of 1 to 10 when it comes to keeping your word?

  • 0 = “I have a real problem with my words matching my actions.”

  • 5  = “Sometimes I hedge on what I promise and struggle with follow through more often than I’d like. I could probably use a little help here.”

  • 10  = “I always follow through no matter what the cost.”

5. What is the impact on a relationship when a person is inconsistent with follow- through? How about on a church when leaders are inconsistent with it?



1. Remember a time someone wasnʻt honest with you. How did it make you feel?

2. Reflect on your current relationships. Are there any areas where you are being dishonest or not telling the whole truth?

3. Pray this week for guidance in choosing your words and recognizing the power they hold.


1. Where would you personally like to grow in this area?

2. What is one step you want to take in the next week toward letting your yes be yes and your no be no?

3. Pray for each other.