Welcome to the prayer course | Session 8 “SPIRITUAL WARFARE”

This week we conclude the Prayer Course - Part 1. What an amazing journey this has been, growing deeper in our relationship with God and with others. As we get ready for Session 8, here are Pete’s main points from Session 7:

  • We are designed to walk and talk with God.

  • Slow down, Soften up. 

  • When listening to God, remember ABC: Advice, Bible, Common Sense.

In Session 8 we’ll look closely at the ways we can pray God’s kingdom come in the midst of a spiritual battle.

Pete greig’s BOOK “HOW TO PRAY”

For those who are also reading Pete Greig’s book How to Pray: A Simple Guide for Normal People, please read chapter 10 (Confession and Reconciliation) and chapter 11 (Spiritual Warfare) before Session 8’s discussion. Reading the book is not required to get a lot out of this course. Check with your small group leaders to determine what your group will be doing.


Click on the button below to explore Session 8, including the teaching video and the discussion questions. A direct link to the video is also below.


Click on the button below to view the Toolshed. We want to encourage you to explore at least one prayer practice associated with each week’s discussion. The practices are conveniently grouped by sessions in the Toolshed.

Here are the the suggested prayer practicea for this session on “Spiritual Warfare.”
Read more about the practices by clicking the links below:

  • Warfare Prayer | Click HERE

  • How to Fast | Click HERE

  • How to Prayer Walk | Click HERE

CONFESSION And reconciliation

Before you conclude part 1 of The Prayer Course, we want to encourage you to explore these three prayer practices as well. Confessing sin is a core part of the Lord’s prayer, “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us”. Experiencing the compassion and mercy of God on a consistent basis is a central part of life as disciples of Jesus. Confession opens us up to receiving God’s grace.

  • How to Pray the Jesus Prayer | Click HERE

  • How to Confess Sin | Click HERE

  • Identificational Repentance | Click HERE


If we can be of any help to you throughout the course, please don’t hesitate to contact us. As we put prayer in the center of our lives and our life together, we looking forward to seeing how God’s kingdom will show up in our lives and in the world around us.