There's Always Something

by Michael Shishido, Elder


I enjoy writing. I have since high school. My job requires that I write commercials you hear on the radio. Someone once said of me that “there’s a book in him somewhere.” High praise.

And yet, when it comes to keeping a daily journal, I am woefully lacking. It seems like a chore, if I’m honest. Every now and then I’ll start up a journal. I used to write emails to myself. It’s an easy way to document thoughts and keep it electronic and “in the cloud.” A few days later, I got lazy or busy or both. 

Maybe it’s time to start anew. It’s never a bad time to journal your Christian life. Regardless of the events in your life, there’s always something to write about. Longtime First Prez members will remember Pastor Sim Fulcher. He had a sign in his office that read “There’s Always Something.” Apply that to journaling and you get “There’s always something to write about.”

God encourages us in Psalm 105:4-5–– “Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His presence continually. Remember the wonderful works He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He has uttered ...”

We can’t possibly remember it all. But we can if we document it. It’s a lot to remember. You might think, “You don’t know me! How do you know about anything wonderful or miraculous that has happened in my life?”

Here’s what I do know. You woke up today. You opened your eyes and perhaps took in a view of nature. Maybe you breathed in the wonderful aroma of freshly brewed coffee. You turned on some sort of electronic gadget and opened this page and started reading.

Mundane? Maybe. But no less miraculous than planets orbiting the sun. Just because it happens every day doesn’t mean it’s not a miracle. Especially if you compare it to what bad things could have happened.

All that to say that if we consider the little things daily, we have a lot to be thankful for. A lot to marvel at. A lot to remember. And a lot to journal about.

The season of Lent is all about connecting with Jesus. We give up something and in its place, spend that time with Him. This is a great opportunity to remember the works He has done in our lives, both big and small. The biggest being those three days surrounding His death on the cross and eventual resurrection. He died for you and me! That’s worth writing about.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for everything. Help us to remember that You are our all in all. As our Abba Father, You’re concerned with everything that goes on in our lives, the big and small. We take this time to remember all that You have done for us. And we thank You in advance of all that You will do. In Jesus’s name we pray. Amen

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