Thirst For God

by Julie Lockyer, Events Scheduler

Fasting is very important to me. I have seen God’s work in my life by taking the time to fast, getting into His Word, seeking after Him, and being still and listening to God’s voice. To me fasting is more than just giving up something; it’s running to God and thirsting for Him. And the best part is I gain so much more because I grow closer to God.

As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for You, my God.
— Psalm 42:1

I have seen God work over and over again in my times of fasting. There are so many ways to fast. God listens no matter what type of fast you are doing. You can do ½ day fasts, 24-hour fast, 40-day fast. Whatever you choose, remember it’s between you and God.

Fasting is not an easy thing. But I know it’s something God asks of me. He wants me to keep my head up and humble myself before Him.

Through fasting God has led me to a mission trip to the Philippines and my current job at First Prez. He has helped me to stand strong in times of trials and worked in the lives of loved ones when I fasted and prayed for them. Fasting on behalf of others and seeing God work in their lives is so fulfilling.

Our God wants us to fast and drawer closer to Him. He wants us to trust Him in every area of our lives. Are you ready to give up something small for something so much bigger then we can even fathom?

I know I am.

Prayer: Lord, my soul pants to know more of You. As we go through this Lenten season, help us to draw closer to You. I pray that we spend more time reading the Bible, and that You’ll be pleased as we seek after You. In Jesus Name, Amen

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