He Fights For You

by Chaplain Marianna Meachen, Director of Care Ministries

“The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still” (Exodus 14:14)

Advent is a time of expectant hope as we look forward to the Child Jesus who was born to save the world, and to be its hope and light. We like to keep the Christmas story all light and sweet – a baby in a manger, angels singing, shepherds kneeling, a star shining – but the truth is, this Baby came to fight a fearsome foe. He came with a battle plan in hand – a plan that would mean His death. A sacrificial act that would give us life.

The prophet declared that this Child who was born to save the world would be called “Mighty God” (Isaiah 9:6). He would be a Warrior who would fight for His people. Which of us has not needed the Lord to fight for us in some way or at some time? 

The years 1969 and 1970 were especially difficult for me. That time left me with feelings of worthlessness. Life can feel miserable at times. And yet, God fought for me as I could not fight for myself. God used that time and those deep wounds to teach me His compassion, mercy, and love so that I could overcome my situation. He was the Good Shepherd. He cultivated in me His heart and strength so I, too, could become someone who cares for others who have felt deep hurt.

During our Advent journey, may we take it to find deeper meaning in the Child who fights for us. May we renew ourselves in His love and strengthen our relationship with Him. Jesus, the One who saves. Jesus, the One who loves us and fights for us. Jesus, the One who makes us His own. Jesus, the One who came to be the Light of the world. Take the opportunity to share His light with others.  

I encourage you to pray this prayer by 19th century explorer, priest, and martyr Charles de Foucauld: 

I place my soul in Your hands.

I give it to You, my God. 

With all the love of my heart

Because I love You.

And for me it is a necessity of love, 

This gift of myself, 

This place of myself in Your hands

Without reserve

In boundless confidence

Because You are my Father.


  • How has Jesus helped you overcome hurts and heartaches in your past?

  • How do feel and see His power working in you during this time in your life?

  • Thank God for His mighty love and care for you, and then ask Him to give you His heart of compassion.

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