Ben’s Gone Fishin’

By Marianne Schultz, Deacon

Kindness is one of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Let me tell you about a man who bore much of this fruit.

I met “Big Ben,” who was a security guard at the shopping center in Kailua. He was walking by the store as I was cleaning the windows. I said hello, he stopped to chat, and we became fast friends. I closed the store three nights a week and never liked counting the money where anyone could see me, or locking up with almost no one around. Ben began to sit on a chair outside the store waiting until I was finished. He would walk me to my car parked on the third level, and I would drive him to his next post.

He told me about his wife who had cancer and how sad he was. I often would pray for them as we walked. He appreciated the prayers, telling me of his love of the Lord. We were friends for years until he quit working in 2018. Everyone loved Ben. He walked throughout the entire town knowing everyone by name. Many called him “The Mayor of Kailua.” I always felt he was a special angel in my life, always watching out for me. 

Hebrews 13:2 (NLT) Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters. Don’t forget to show hospitality to strangers for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

I like to read obituaries because I learn so much about people’s lives. In May of 2019 there it was –– Ben had died at age 72. Saddened, I decided to go to his celebration of life, held at the beautiful St. Augustine by the Sea church in Waikiki. The pews were filled with many friends and ‘ohana, who filled the sanctuary with much aloha for this wonderful man. I didn’t know anyone except the Hawaiian musicians. However, I did not feel like a stranger; we were all there to celebrate Ben. 

After the service I waited in the long line to pay respects to the family. I introduced myself to his daughter. I told her about my friendship with her dad, how much I loved him, how many times we would pray together, and how he took such good care of me. She started to cry and gave me a big hug. It was important to share how kind her dad was. I told her he was my angel. The first line of his obituary was “he gained his wings.” Well, Ben had them already, now it was official. “Just tell ‘em I’ve gone fishin’” was what he wanted to be known when he passed. 

Have you found an angel? I encourage you to know one is out there for you. Be kind, offer a simple greeting, a smile. You too can find a Ben! 

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I am blessed to share Your love with others through prayer. May I always remember to be kind to others for we never know what is happening in their lives. Thank You for sending me my friend Ben. We know there are angels here on earth. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

Ben’s ashes were scattered (went fishin’) off Waikiki

Ben’s ashes were scattered (went fishin’) off Waikiki


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