Lifting Up The Next Generation In Prayer

By Candi Lopes, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

I have had the privilege of praying for two students in our church through our prayer initiative in Children’s and Youth Ministries, in which three adults pray for a student and his or her family during an entire school year. It has been a wonderful experience to be able to join in lifting them up to God. I was fortunate to already know the students I was matched with, and I even received a graduation invitation from the high school senior I am praying for. I was so honored to be able to participate in celebrating that student’s accomplishment and deliver a lei on their special day. 

I want to share with you the devotion I prayed for them today, which comes from a prayer guide by Tony Souder.

Father, open my eyes so that I might see You more clearly, savor You more fully, and share You more freely.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.” Proverbs 3; 5-8.

“Father, thank You for Your promises. Cause (student’s name) to have complete and unwavering trust in You and Your promises today. Keep them from leaning on their own understanding, which is limited and faulty. Give them the ability to see and acknowledge Your working in their lives each day and trust that You will make their paths clear. Guard them against being wise in their own eyes. Cause them to fear you and turn away from even the hint of evil. Don’t let them get comfortable with or delight in the slightest evil thing. Create in them a longing for holiness and righteousness that exalts You and Your goodness. May You bring a wave of healing and refreshment to their bodies that would point the world to Your greatness. For Your glory and their good, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Souder lays out a prayer like that for each day that we can use to pray for the students and help guide them closer to their mighty Father. I am grateful to be able to partner for the next generation and excited to see how God leads them in shining light into this world as they grow up, go off to college, and become disciples of Jesus in society. 

Won’t you join us in praying for our children and youth?

Prayer: Dear God, I pray that these students are strengthened and protected by Your Spirit, as they navigate this world and the things that will try to take them off the path You have put before them. May You be the one to guide them, and may they know deep in their hearts that You will always be there for them. Continue to lead people to lift up our next generation with prayer and guidance towards the purposes You have made them for. Amen.

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