Sensei Jesus

By Jeff Page, Director of Young Adults Ministry

“As you are going, make apprentices (of Jesus) of people from everywhere and every ethnicity, surrounding them in the Reality and Presence of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and instructing them how to do everything I have told you. Get this: I will be with you until the work is finished.”

This is a paraphrase of the last words Jesus spoke to His disciples before He took His throne in heaven. It is referred to as the Great Commission. These sentences succinctly describe what Jesus and His people are doing together to solve every global problem, defeat evil, and put an end to suffering and death. The great command in the Great Commission is to “make apprentices of Jesus.” 

A disciple, or apprentice, is someone who is learning to become a master. This is accomplished by not just learning facts from a master, but also spending time with them and allowing the master to speak into their life. If a person is enrolled in medical school, are they learning to be a med student? No, they are learning to master the realities of the human body and medicine. They are learning to restore and deepen flourishing in people’s health. In the same way, a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus is someone who is with Jesus, learning to be like Him, so they can master the things that Jesus is master of here and now. 

Jesus is the Master of everything, especially living in God’s Kingdom. As His disciple, you can enroll in Jesus’ masterclass on your life.  But you are not learning to repeat the life Jesus lived 2,000 years ago. You are learning to lead your life as He would lead it today. Among other things, Jesus is teaching you to do your job, honor your boss, love your spouse, care for your kids, cultivate your friendships, care for your home, and steward your resources. Jesus is the most intelligent and capable person to ever live and His masterclass on our lives is now in session. 

What comes to mind when you think of the word disciple? Contrary to the mental images of robed monks or elderly pastors, a disciple is not an advanced Christian. A disciple is someone who fully intends to learn from Jesus and become more like Him. 

And Jesus is more like Mr. Miyagi than Indiana Jones, more like Sensei than Professor. How? Professor Indiana Jones taught his students interesting facts and archaeological theories. He taught his students about the heroes of history, but taught them none of the skills, courage, or competence they would need to become heroes. In contrast, Sensei Miyagi taught Daniel Larusso competence in karate, and the courage and character he would need to extend that mastery to the rest of his life. Jesus does the same, on an infinitely greater level. Jesus invites you to become a student in His dojo, to learn His mastery and live it out. 

Like a student learning from a sensei, a disciple is marked by a deep commitment to being with Jesus and learning to be like Him. A disciple is a committed apprentice, wanting to emulate the Teacher in all the ways that matter.  

So how do you become an apprentice of Jesus? By enrolling His masterclass on your life. As you learn from Jesus, others won’t be able to help but see the change in you and would want to enroll too. As you grow, you will naturally become Jesus’ co-teacher, supporting fellow apprentices who are enrolled in Jesus’ masterclass for their own lives. 

Prayer: Jesus, through Your instruction, You have crafted the greatest lives our world has ever seen. Jesus, please be my Sensei. I devote my focus, time, energy, and resources to mastering what You will teach me and what will glorify You. In Your Name I pray, Amen. 

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