Right Now

By Deanna Sivik, Session Elder

Right here, right now, is where I need to be.
Right here, right now, God is molding me.
The future it is not – but the present is today,
To live in the future – may not turn out that way.
I am uncertain what lies beyond the curtain,
But, living as if it were tomorrow would only be a burden.
The direction to go my heart will discern,
There will be many lessons I’ll have to learn.
I am impatient and anxious, wondering what I need to do,
At some point I’ll figure out what I am to pursue.
What matters most is that I take time to pray,
Then listen to the Lord and hear what He has to say.
God’s plan will turn out much better than mine,
Maybe I’ll just sit back and enjoy a glass of wine.
Right here, right now, is where I need to be.
Right here, right now, God is molding me.

I wrote that poem when I was 28 years old. And now 24 years later, it still has a lot of meaning in my life. While uncertainty and impatience have ebbed and flowed in my life, I have grown consistently in my relationship with God to be able to lay down my anxieties and burdens to allow Him to take charge. 

When I was asked to become a Stephen Minister for First Prez and went through the training, I thought to myself, “I was born to do this.” While I’ve only been doing this for two years, it’s amazing how much I have learned as a human being that this training can be used in everyday life with family, friends, and even strangers. 

I had the opportunity to take part in a Stephen Ministry “on-the-fly” situation the other day. Our door is always open at my office, and a lady came by who was lost. She had been given the wrong address to a psychologist with whom she had an appointment. She was so flustered and upset that we immediately took her in. We looked at her paperwork to see where she really needed to be, and called that office right away. 

While my co-worker was calling the number, my other office mate and I sat with her as she talked about needing and waiting on this appointment for so long that she could not miss it. Her husband was dying of cancer and she really needed professional help. We had about five minutes of her time, but she spilled her guts to us. When we sent her off in the right direction, she was in a much better headspace. 

You know what’s interesting? When I stepped out of my car that morning, I asked God, “What is my mission for the day?” He certainly answered that question within the hour I was at work! Praise Jesus! I’m glad we were able to serve this nice woman with love in our hearts and a smile on our faces. 

Do you ever wonder, “What’s next for me, Lord?” When you give the situation over to Him, the results will turn out so much better than you can possibly imagine.

“Do not worry or be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4:6)

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for opportunities to be Your light unto others. May we not be anxious or impatient, but wait for Your timing in our lives, holding tight to Your right hand to be a blessing to those around us. Amen.

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