Trimming Down The Hedges

By Julie Lockyer, Scheduler and Receptionist

My house is located on the back of a golf course parking lot. There has always been a big Bougainvillea bush that gives us privacy. The golf course trims it back every few months but it still blocks the views of the cars and prevents people from looking into our yard.

Recently the workers trimmed the bush all the way down to the bottom branches. There were no vines, leaves, or flowers left. I was so afraid they were going to cut the whole thing down. We now see everything!

At first, I thought this was a bad thing. But then God starting speaking to me and showing me things I hadn’t noticed before. Yes, we see the cars but we have a much better view of the golf course and the beautiful sunsets on the westside. 

Recently I was holding my granddaughter Harley Rose on our cement wall when a couple of ducks came waddling our way from the parking lot. We ran and got some bread to feed them. It was so much fun as we were able to show Harley the ducks, let her feed them, and reinforce that ducks say “quack, quack, quack,” which they did as they flew away. It was so exciting to watch! 

What a time of teaching it was in more ways than one. We would not have seen the ducks had the bush been there. I had never sat Harley on the wall before because there was nothing she would have seen except the hedge. 

God showed me that sometimes we build hedges around us that make us feel safe. We get comfortable and stuck in our ways. We let them grow to a point where God needs to take over and trim them all the way down to open up our views. He does this so we can open our eyes and see the blessings that we have been missing. Sometimes the trimming is painful, and we may see some of the junk that has been hiding. He does this because He loves us and wants more for us! It becomes a time of healing and growth in new ways.

Do you ever feel like life is getting out of control? That there are too many branches getting entangled and blocking your view? Let God take over and trim some of those things that don’t belong. 

Today the Bougainvillea bush has new healthy shoots. It’ll start growing big again and will need to be trimmed again eventually. Same for us. The eventual trimming is part of the Lord’s love and care for His people. He wants us to be able to see His blessings and how He’s working around us. I’m excited to see what God has in store!

Prayer: Lord, thank You for using a bush to show me how sometimes you need to trim things in my life to help me see the blessings around me. Help me to not let things get in the way of the beauty You have created. Help me to trust You when you start trimming the hedges in my life. I know You love me and want the best for me even when I don’t always see it. Help me to keep my eyes on you. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen!

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