Junk Drawer (The Story of Less?)

By Scott Schultz, Session Elder

Ecclesiastes 3:6 (NIV) “A time to search and a time to give up, time to keep and a time to throw away.”

A month ago, I wrote about my first month of retirement and asked this question: Must I find a (new) why before determining the whats? One challenging aspect is realizing that during my 34.5-year career, I developed many “niche” skills that are not directly or obviously transferrable to the outside (non-City and County) world.

Part of “Post-retirement - Phase 2” has included getting rid of junk. One day I opened a drawer in our kitchen and realized that it contained much miscellany, including a whole lotta pens. I didn’t count the pens, but it was probably over 100.

Naturally, I removed everything from the drawer and threw away non-functional and unidentifiable items. We had over 40 Halekulani and Ritz-Carlton pens (freebies!), most of which we will give away. When the dust settled, I was left with 39 working pens in the drawer, which is a different kind of “Why?”

So how does this relate to the aforementioned whats? Taking care of little things is a part of decluttering, which will hopefully help me to see and hear God more clearly. (Could my Story of Less lead to a Story of More?) One what is that I can live with less than 39 pens:

  • Perhaps 9: Love, joy, peace, kindness, goodness, patience, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

  • How about 2: Love God and love thy neighbor.

This led me to recall a message by Admiral William McCraven from his University of Texas commencement speech “Make Your Bed” (May 17, 2014): “… little things in life matter. If you can’t do the little things right, you will never be able to do the big things right.”

What’s in your junk drawer (physical, mental, or virtual)? To change the world, start by clearing up your junk drawer or making your bed. This might help you find what God wants you to do in the place where He put you. This can be as simple as getting to know a neighbor or serving your church & community (I recently started volunteering at The Pantry. ) Always point others to Jesus (The One) and remember to show gratitude for His great gifts of grace, forgiveness, and eternal life! 

Hebrews 10:35-36 (NLT) “So do not throw away this confident trust in the Lord. Remember the great reward it brings you! Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will.”

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for helping me to remember to get rid of the junk, as You separate the wheat from the chaff. Thank You for bringing us light and love to overcome darkness and hate. Thank You for Jesus, in whose precious name I pray, Amen.

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