Jesus Wept

By Patty Kamahele, Administrative Assistant

The shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept,” is found in John 11:35. What may seem like very sad words has actually brought me great comfort during this time.

It’s been four months since I lost the love of my life––my beloved husband, Francis. Words can’t express the void I feel not having him by my side living our lives...together. Life is not the same, and never will be, but one thing is sure: I WILL see him again.

Jesus wept at the loss of His very close friend Lazarus and at the sorrow it brought to Lazarus’ family. In my life I have had many losses: my mom, my dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and my best friend as a young adult. 

But nothing could prepare me for the loss of my spouse of 34 years. It is literally heartbreaking to lose the person you love more than anyone else in the world; the one you have shared everything with. And yet through it all, I have experienced the comfort of the Lord through His presence, His Word, family, and friends. At a time when I didn’t think I could laugh again (Francis always made me laugh), my family would call or text, and we would talk about something Francis did and laugh all over again. 

I knew the Lord was with me when I couldn’t be with my husband at the hospital due to the pandemic. It’s hard enough to go through it when you can visit them, but when you can’t? Well, I understand why, but it all seemed so cruel. I empathize with families who have, and are going through, that extremely sad experience.

Yes, the short two words “Jesus wept” are so meaningful and powerful. They show me that He doesn’t take our pain lightly. He has compassion for the sorrows we experience in life. He knows what it’s like to lose someone and so He understands, and knowing that someone understands means all the world.

My husband was a pastor and a singer blessed with an amazing and beautiful voice, which he used literally around the world to minister to others. One of my favorite songs he sang was “He’ll Dry the Tears.” Little did I know how real these words would become for me. Part of the lyrics are:

He'll dry the tears from your eyes, He'll take the pain from your heart
He'll move the clouds from your skies, He'll dry the tears from your eyes
He knows the way that you feel, He's felt the weight that you bear
He knows it's all very real, He knows the way that you feel

For He is touched with the feelings of your weaknesses
He has been there, too
In your despair remember all His promises
He will see you through...

I wish a had a recording of Francis singing this touching song in his rich beautiful voice, but here’s a recording of it by another artist, and I hope you’ll take a few moments to listen to it. 

May you, too, experience the reality of the presence of Jesus who is always there for you. One Who will never ever leave you no matter what you are going through in this life.

Prayer: Lord, words can’t express what it means to know that You care for us. That You understand what we are going through. That You will see us through. Thank You for being such a loving, comforting, and compassionate Lord who loved us to the Cross. We are so very grateful for that Love. In Jesus Name, Amen.

Note: A few days after writing this, I received word that my sweet, wonderful brother passed away, just 3 1/2 months after my husband’s passing. He was the most kind and loving person ever. My sorrow has now doubled 💔💔 ..... as has the grace and comfort of Jesus 💝💝

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