Finding Joy

by Luke Shin, Middle School Co-coordinator

It is that time of the year again where we get to reflect upon the Nativity story. Now maybe you can relate, but after being a Christian my whole life and hearing the same story over and over again, it can get a little stale. Hearing the Nativity story every year, it just becomes another story. 

This week I got to ponder on Luke 1:35-45 (NIV), where Mary visits Elizabeth. I would like to focus on verse 44, which says:

“As soon as the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby in my womb leaped for joy.”

What fascinates me is that baby John (the Baptist) in Elizabeth's womb jumps for joy for being in the presence of Jesus. It almost reminds me of a Doritos commercial, where a pregnant woman was receiving an ultrasound, and the baby was jumping around for Doritos. Of course, the presence of the Lord is way better, and just knowing that the Savior was going to be born gave baby John much joy. 

So the question I find asking myself is—Am I jumping for joy during this time of year? If I were to honestly answer this question, it would be “no.” I think I have fallen away from the truth of this AMAZING story. The Christmas season is more than just going to church for Christmas service, volunteering at church for Christmas worship services, or even watching a Nativity-related movie or show. This season is about finding joy in the presence of the Lord, who came to this world to be our Savior. 

Finding joy, though, is no easy task, especially if you are in a tough and hard situation. For me the reason Iʻm not jumping for joy is that Iʻm busy this time of the year, especially since I work in ministry. Iʻm feeling so stressed and busy that I forget to be joyful.

Which is why I am excited that in middle school, we got to celebrate the birth of Jesus this past Sunday. We get to celebrate Jesus’s birth and the joy He brings to us. 

During this season I encourage you to intentionally practice being in​ the presence of the Lord. Find 10 to 20 minutes in your day to pray, read scripture (maybe the Nativity story), or sing some praises to the Lord. Please feel free to email me because I would love to hear the experiences you have during this time. 

Let’s find the joy in the presence of the Lord together. Merry Christmas!

Prayer: Dear Lord, help my heart, mind, and soul to focus on You during this season. Thank You for sending Your Son Jesus Christ on Earth. I am forever thankful because Your presence alone brings me joy. I pray that everyone who comes into Your presence will recognize that You are moving them. Help me to also share this joy with others around me. In Jesus name I pray, Amen. 


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