He Sees It All

by Chevas Wong, Director of Contemporary Worship

Mark 12:41-44: Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents. Calling His disciples to Him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Hi, Church Family! Yesterday Pastor Dan preached on this scripture passage, and I want to highlight something he said that was meaningful to me, and echo an encouraging reminder. 

“And here Jesus actually saw or heard not a waterfall of coins but just the most faint little clink, clink. And somehow when He heard that, He was greatly moved.” (Pastor Dan, from “How Not To Be Religious”)

God loves our worship. 

Even though I worship Him every day, usually with music, I’ve often woken up feeling discouraged or exhausted or even a little bit frustrated these past few months. And we’re talking first thing in the morning! It’s becoming a normal thing, and I caught myself growing comfortable with it.

For many of us (myself included), this may be a difficult season to rejoice and worship God. But I don’t want to grow comfortable with waking up discouraged or believing I’m too exhausted to rejoice or too frustrated to seek the Lord. I don’t want to grow comfortable putting on a fake smile in front God or self-celebrating any form of insincere rejoicing or worship. 

It’s important to remember that God welcomes us as we are. He loves us. He doesn’t ask us to save ourselves, we don’t need to put on “flowing robes” or appear deserving of heavenly gifts to earn His love and attention and affirmation. He freely gives it, and as we (like children) run to our Father in heaven, what a reward to see our Father running to us! He’s excited for us to know His face and feel His heart and be held in His arms. That’s the hug we need today.

Even as Christians, we can lose certainty of the gospel; we can lose sight of Jesus. And when this happens, the trap of self-dependence or self-righteousness seems to find every opportunity to present itself (falsely) as an easy way to feel wholeness or holiness. But it’s just not true and will always leave us disappointed. It will drag us off course and lead us away from God’s heart. It’s just pretend. 

God has given us guidance on how to keep aware and avoid this trap. During our 40-day fast, let’s embrace and practice what the Bible teaches us: to keep on a cloak of humility, and seek Jesus in everything, and love the presence of God, which is the ultimate joy our soul craves. He will keep our paths straight and sustain our pursuit, and provide us His grace and mercy and love no matter how tired or down we may be. Because God is faithful.

Jesus gives us a great encouragement in this scripture, that even when we are at our wits end, even when we are fatigued, even when we are socially or financially poor, whatever kind of poverty we may live in today, when we choose to trust God and offer Him whatever we have left (as Pastor Dan preached), He always notices it … and He is always moved by it.

Prayer: God, I want to make You happy. I want to rejoice with You and grow more and more comfortable being in Your presence. I’m sorry for the times I turned away from You. If there is something You’d like me to give You, please bring it to mind, and teach me a new song of joy as I give You my worshipful offering. Amen.


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