He's Making A List

by Michael Shishido, Elder

You know the fun Christmas carol Santa Claus is Coming to Town? You’re singing it to yourself now, aren’t you?

When I was a kid, I’d get to one line in the song and I’d begin to worry a little bit. Santa is making a list. I would reason in my head that I was a good boy, therefore, I’d get some presents this year. Santa is organized. He made the list. There were two columns. And he reviewed the list. He had to be thorough and efficient because that was a long list. At least every child on earth was on one of them.

There’s another “list” that we need to be aware of. This one is far more important. Thankfully, it has little to do with our daily behavior. In Luke 21:25-36, the Bible describes the Second Coming of Jesus, and it includes some outrageous activity. There will be indications in the skies, political upheaval, distress among people. And Jesus Himself will come on a cloud.

Jesus says this “list” of crazy activity will happen. “Truly I tell you, this generation will not pass away until all things have taken place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Luke 21:32)

All things. There’s the list. Except it’s not a list from Santa. It’s a list of activity to watch for as the precursor to Jesus coming again. When these things start happening, Jesus says the Kingdom of God is near.

He came once, having been born in a manger. It was a relatively quiet occurrence. Today we celebrate it and call it Christmas. The next time He comes, it’ll be far more grand.  

Are you ready?

Prayer: Jesus, as we look forward to celebrating Your birth this Advent season, let us also be mindful of Your return. We look forward to that day when we will be with you for all eternity. Amen


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