Ruling in Righteousness

by Paul Zukunft, Elder

2 Samuel 23: 3-5 “When one rules over people in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings grass from the earth. If my house was not right with God, surely He would not have made with me an everlasting covenant, arranged and secured in every part; surely He would not bring to fruition my salvation and grant my every desire.”

We have reached the end of our 40-day fast this Thanksgiving, and so reflect upon how you have ruled your life, recognizing that we are all rulers in our own right by the choices we make. Especially when it comes down to be a follower of Christ for Whom we are eternally thankful!

On that note, my question to you is, “Have you ever done something righteous out of pure instinct, without a sense of guilt prodding you to leave your comfort zone and do what is truly right?” Of course, you have! Let me share with you a story of when I was a “boot ensign” and Christian apprentice serving aboard the Coast Guard Cutter Taney back in 1977.

A young enlisted man of color in my department, who we fondly nicknamed “Pops” because he was wise beyond his 21 years of age, submitted a request to break in as a ship’s navigator (or quartermaster in the seagoing ratings). Without hesitation, I approved the request since “Pops” was my top performer among his 35 peers within my department. After Pops stood his first sea watch as break-in navigator, there was a loud knock on my stateroom door. It was the Chief of the Boat, a burly Senior Chief who relayed that the Chiefs Mess wanted to meet with me - NOW! I immediately entered the Chiefs Mess and was literally cornered and harangued in the saltiest of language for placing a black man in such a coveted position of responsibility. But I did not back down, and Pops went on to qualify as our ship’s navigator. 

When it was time for me to depart the Taney a year later to take command of a patrol boat, who should be standing the quarterdeck watch but Pops. It would be the last time we ever saw each other, but his words to this day still ring true in my ears. He said, “Mister Z, I never thought an officer would go to bat for an enlisted man.” Then he went on to say, “Where I grew up, a white man would never, ever go to bat for a black man, and until you came along, I never thought I would live to see such a day. Thank you, Mister Z!”

That was a mutual thanksgiving moment for each of us, and I am ever thankful that my life crossed paths with Pops, who helped me mature as a leader and a Christian.

Upon reflection, when you do what is right, you instantaneously become a ruler over what is evil. And as followers of Christ, we tend to do that instinctively and often without the kind of feedback that I was blessed to receive from Pops––wise beyond his years!

Prayer: Jesus, on bended knee and with heads bowed, we give thanks for Your setting the gold standard in ruling in righteousness. You brought healing to the afflicted, compassion to the impoverished, and to all who follow in Your footsteps, the promise of eternal life. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving holiday, we are thankful for our period of fasting that has brought us closer to You, and You in us as we rule our lives with a sense of Your purpose and righteousness. Amen

Email Paul Zukunft


Happy Thanksgiving! God bless you!


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